So what do you guys make on the new Forza coming out? Reminds me of Test Drive Unlimited (TDU) Official Forza Horizon E3 2012 Trailer - YouTube
Someone seems to have missed the Forza 4 thread, where we've been discussing it quite a bit. But yeah, it's a bit like TDU without the shitty online system and a much wider variety of cars to choose from, with no manufacturers missed out.
I'm not making a film with every car again. Even with Sky and Chron's help, that **** is gonna take too long. I do plan on making some sort of film though, I just don't know what.
Keep recording laps, I got the Lamborghinis and the Astons recorded. (We should totally continue this discussion elsewhere, Sharp might infract us)
He can bite me. Wherever he wants. Anyways... They said on the official Forza site that the cars would be a "best of" of the current set of Forza cars. I'm thinking a max of around 75-100 cars in the game. I hope they keep the paint editor in and the photo/replay modes. It wouldn't be Forza without a way to spray graffiti or in my case anime girls all over your car.
i'm really excited for it. i'm also a bit hesitant and will wait to see what people say before purchasing. if it is a cool as it sounds, i will definitely lose a portion of my life to it lol.