Then why not a V2? Make it accomplish what you want. I've gone as far as to rip one entire half of a map off just to get the feel I wanted. Spending that much time, and making that pretty of a map, you deserve to get exactly what you wanted out of it.
That's the thing, I love the layout, I just hate that the Fortress is shaped like a box. Changing its shape would affect the layout.
Looks awesome. I can see some heated battles on the map but maybe dont put the shotty, splazer and deployable one above another. Someone could grab the splazer fall to the ground and grab shotty while a teammate grabs deployable.
First, thank you for having a poll not asking people to rate the freaking map. For that, I give you +rep Second, I really like the overall thought design process. The map seems very fluid and dynamic with alot of choke points and places to fight. Third, great construction. It simply really clean and neat. So yay for good interlocking.
Thank you. If anyone has any ideas on how to change the fortress itself from being square to a different shape, but still maintain the forward hallway above the shield door, PLEASE PM me.
It was bound to happen... Hey this is a very sexy looking fortress, most of them are a wall of boxes with turrets on. But this has had alot of time put into it.
I Have Made A decision. Look for Version 2 in the not too distant future. Not too soon tho, I just got GRAW 2 and haven't finished it yet.
cool map nicely interlocked dont see and problems but will download just to check it out nice work good forging
The remake is not because there are any problems with the map per se, but because I feel that there is room for improvement.
bland name, that is my main complaint. I like how balanced things appear now and the degree of pricision you put into it. I will give it a 8.5/10 which is worth a download. True you can finds similar tot his but the effort in this one makes it better than the others. If anything it will add variety to the games i play
very clean> you spent alot of time on very clean lines. nice work I know it toook time!!!! I should probably add MMM's ti time too. Balancing is spot on. Great work.
Thank you. What exactly do you mean by MMM's? I will be moving this map into a map pack soon alongside Meltdown and Compound, as the three share similar fictions and i'm running out of space in my sig again.