So Fortress Pit is just a fun game. You have four bases and a dish in the center. The dish has abilities (sprint, jet pack, etc), and the bases have short term abilities (camo/overshields). Its a fun slayer map to goof off in. 4v4 or 8v8 Red vs Blue. Enjoy ^.^
Oh gosh it is a lot of fun when you have more than 4 people because everyone fights for the different abilities since you start without abilities if you set it up like that (which is how I set my gametype up) and I put it on classic slayer so it is fair for everyone. The power weapons are fair and my friends and I have had a blast on this If you download it, let me know what you think ^.^ But be warned, it can become competitive if you play swat on here lol
I'd DL, but my LIVE expired today. I can kind of get the sense of what'll happen though. People will initially rush the sniper, take it to their base, then others will try to get to the sniper (while killling any in their path) and eventually it'll be whoever has the sniper the longest, or whoever can make the most of it will win. It should be moved to Casual because it's an extreme emphasis on one aspect of a competitive map.
i got a similar idea for a map. may be this map is a lot of camping ant this idea may transfor into a dinamical map.
I wasn't really trying when I made this map. I got bored so I was messing around in forge and this little fun map came about Camping is known in almost every map, but you really can't camp to much here because your towers are pretty open. The key to this map is to get the right armor ability and a gun that suits you best. Power weapons are (Sniper, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher and Sword) Two long shooter and two close quarters. Then you have your basic covenant/spartan guns. There use to be a focus rifle in there but that was way to overpowering. I do like your maps by the way, VERY well made!