---Fortress Air-Raid--- By Packnight501An Invasion-only Assault-style map and gametype. Intended for for 4 -12 players. This was my very first map made with the new forge system and my first attempt at an invasion-supporting map. It consists of a 3 story 6 room fortress for the defending Elites and a small outcropping at the other side of the map for the attacking Spartans with an armory and several aircraft. Thought the attacking base was more or less thrown together with what little forge cash I had remaining, the defending fortress is a carefully and artistically designed building with 4 entrances, an air pad, a generator room, a garage, a concierge desk, an observatory, and a storage room for Covenant equipment. The Invasion gametype puts you in the boots an aerial-deployed strike-team. The first objective; to secure a key route from the designated deployment zone to the target facility. Next, to break in to the facility itself via. one of it's primary side entrances. And finally to rendezvous with the ground team and escort the explosive device to the target facility's energy core. VEHICLES: 2x Falcon 2x Banshee 2x Warthog 1x Warthog (Rocket) 1x Ghost IMAGES: Attacking Team Outcropping from the front. 1st Objective: Choke-point securing. (Phase 3's) designated deployment zone.. The fortress... ...and it's friendly concierge desk. A front view of the generator room. And from the rear. A look into the garage. Download the map to see the rest of the fortress! Enjoy! Map Variant: Fortress Air-Raid Gametype: Invasion: Air Raid Please contact me if you find any faults in the map build or if you have any suggestions as to how I can improve the playability. [br][/br]Edited by merge: And to those that are wondering, the rest of the map is bare. There are no soft/hard kill zones so it's completely open to any strategy of attack given falcons and numerous range weapons. Plz comment and keep this post alive. Thanks! :]