map created by ferrari504 and Ruley9 = download link [size=10pt][size=10pt]this is the human fortress[/size][/size] [size=10pt][size=10pt]the zombies spawn behind this wall[/size][/size] [size=10pt][size=10pt]this is a sniper spot[/size][/size] [size=10pt][size=10pt]a teleporter on top of the fortress takes you to this room full of weapons[/size][/size] [size=10pt][size=10pt]This map is made for infection...I dont think it would play with any other gametype...this map is available on my fileshare. Please leave comments or suggestions. [/size] [/size]
Re: fortess w/ pics Thank you for the bigger pics. The map looks like it really bare. Some scenery or cover for the zombiez. This map should als be interlocked like the bridges on top of the sniper tower. For the teleporter to the weapon room, is it a two way? You should also include a description to your post. Other than that, welcome to forgehub.
Re: fortess w/ pics Is there a specific infection gametype for the map? Also, how do you make a poll in your topic? I need one for a map of mine. P.S. You don't need to say that the topic has pics in the title, people will already have expected it to have them.
white make a poll in your topic after you post your topic scroll to the bottom of the page where your post is and click on add poll