Fort The map contains a ventalation system as well as an opening gate system. (WARNING: The gate does not close after opening.) Download Map Description: In 2034 German scientist Elfred Gluum was forced to create the first mass bio mutagene. The German military started to luanch off missles filled with the chemicle. Once Europe had been infected the zombies started to release an airborne mutagene. It spread intill finally the U.S. started building Bio sheilded Forts like this one. But it was only a matter of time. Fort is one of the only map that is controlable. On the front wall theres a gate. It can only be opened from the outside. Humans spawn inside keeping them safe untill the Alpha Zombie opens the gate. Simply the gate can be opened by destroying the fusion core. Once opened the humans have a choice. Run or stay. The ventalation is accesable by a teleporter at the back of the fort. I used interlocking and timed map events. Most of the gate and vents are interlocked. The long tunnel at the back of the map is'nt accesable and the outside of the fort has no cover. The inside contains few weapons....,but enouph to survive. Veiw inside Vents Gate veiw Inner fort
This map caught my eye, but just barely, thanks to the awesome description I didn't just skip it. Next time though, you need to imbed bigger pictures, when I said it just barely caught my eye, it was because I almost couldn't see it. Anyways, gotta DL it.
Hmm.. I dont see the pics. Perhaps they were removed from their original link? Anyways.. You should check into this Apollo. If you need help on how to do this you could go HERE. Looking forward to see'n what all these maps look like. *thumbs up!*
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