Fort V.4 This is the fourth update to the Fort map with some slight changes to make it all out fun and carnage! This map has a Crush-in vehicle entrance, a cliffside scramble, and a closing door. With this unique fort it can have the feel of a real game with some unexpected twists. Download Map This map does not require specific gametypes but it is an Assymetrical map so I suggest those types of games, but if you want to it can serve as SOME FFA games or Team slayer. OBJECTIVE RECCOMENDED Description: The Fort V.4 is the newest update to the Fort map. UPDATES: 1) I have cleaned it up and made it look more professional. FORT V.4 2) The cliffside scramble, which is a high ledge of pallets in which you CAN destroy to stop incoming enemies, has been modified to get on easier and if you destroy it now, you CANNOT %100 get across (until it spawns). Notice that it has pallets on the bottom also now. YOU SHALL NOT PASS! 3) The crush-in that allows vehicles to enter now has pallets in front of the fusion coils so it makes it harder to destroy by just ramming it. (But trust me, I suggest shooting it open because sometimes, it turns ugly) Crush-in 4) On the front of the base there now is two turrets, a mongoose on the central bridge to the keep, and a ramp that may or may not turn out useful..... Overview Great for defense.... Most of the time...... Camo is a great thing isn't it. We gotta get that flag back! 5) The battlefield has been slightly tweaked with a couple of extra weapons. NOTE: Don't nag me about the size of the battlefield... I am out of money. Sniper support The ride is over 6) I am working hard at the respawns also. For those who get spawned outside on the rare occasion I am sorry, I can't seem to fix it! Suggestions/Help? So that pretty much sums it up for this update. Give feedback and suggestions if you want. Thanks, Commander Jako
in my opinion, forts can't be too competitive. it also appears you didn't do any of the advanced techniques from forging 101... try that next time. 6/10
Firstly I would suggest you list your updates and diffrences between each version, and secondly... awesome! A fortress with a destructible side path, although you shhould not use that many fusion coils. Good map regardless.
Looks pretty good, but the outside seems a little barren. Maybe the attackers could have some type of small base in front of the ramp with the mongoose, farther back by the wall? I have to DL and play, I will comment again afterwards. For now, though, a 3.5/5.
First of all, Fort V.1 & 2 were private Betas to get the basics down. Fort V.3 had MAJOR problems so I felt it was unimportant to put in
Ok, good ideas but... a good description could have been put,and you need to spend a little more time on thing, so slow down and get it all straight and neat... it can be frustrating i know, but it would improve a lot. Im not saying this to down-grade but to help you. Overall great ideas though, just keep forging. Oh and PS: Forge 101 will teach you a trick or two
i dont see anything very amazing about this, map, the pallat bridge doesnt seam to be very well excecuted, or neat
very intresting point of view of how a fort looks and i see you like fussion coils(used them alot) there is alot of empty space is that intentional or you didn't care to fill it with stuff?
Its good, and it looks like it has great potiential, I just want to see some Advanced Technquies from Forging 101.