fort ultimate was my first forge hub post, i got some positive feedback from it and a whole load of ways to improve it, and thats exactly what ive done, this time however, its called fort ultra v2 cause fort ultimate v2 wouldnt fit. everything has been interlocked this time and its all so much neater. ive got rid of the armoury and redone a few parts in the middle. as for the fort itself, it has completely been revamped, i literally deleted it and started again. this time its bigger and better. the sword is still in the middle and the fuel rod cannon hasnt been moved, but in the middle and the fort there is alot better weapon placment. another change is that this time the fort has man cannons to get straight to the middle of the map and get straight into the action. this map works best with 1 flag ctf but also works good with slayer. the fort inside the fort the middle part man cannon Some action shots Download Fort Ultra V2 please rate and give feedback. tell me more ways on how i can improve, and be brutal, i dont mind.