Fort Ruina Download map: Fort Ruina Download Gamemode Ruina Flag (recommend) Ruina zombies Ruina bomb (recommend Hide and Seek supports all other gametypes but dont forget the change the custom powerup settings... Description A bigg fort in the midle of nowhere Normaly it would be easely to defend if there is someone attacking. Weapons on map 7x Assault Rifle -> 30s 9x Battle Rifle -> 30s 1x Shotgun -> 1 extra clip -> 3 mins 2x Sniper Rifle -> 1x 1 extra clip (sniper tower) 1x 0 extra clips (on top of fort) -> 3 mins 3x SMG -> 30s 3x Spiker -> 30s 1x Brute Shot -> 3 mins 1x Rocket Launcher -> 3 mins 1x Energy Sword -> 3 mins 1x Gravity Hammer -> 3 mins 1x Machine Gun Turret -> 3 mins Equipment on map 8x Frag grenade -> 10s 8x Plasma grenade -> 10s 4x Firebomb grenade -> 10s 1x Power drain -> 1 min 1x Regenerator -> 1 min 1x Bubbelshield -> 1 min Screenshots Overview Fort Overview Outside Fort At the single box in the midle is a fusion coil that closes the gate (warning this can go wrong so the gate won't close) Overview Inside Fort Overview Insdie Fort (again) Overview Under The Fort There is a teleporter behind the camera that leads to the rocket and in the back is a secret passway that only can be opened from the top. Main Gate To open the gate you need to shoot the fusion coil that is behind the sign inside the fort. Right Entrance To open you need to pick up the custom powerups. Hidden Entrance To open this one (secret information i can't give). Sniper Tower There is a man cannon at the back. ~~~~~~~Please Rate & Comment here~~~~~~~
Looks pretty interesting, I like it :] Will clear some space on my 360 so I can download it, nice job! Peace.
its pretty cool, but its a little over-done. and besides the passage that you refuse to reveal, the other entrances seem pretty obvious.
when i saw the first picture i was like. wow thats a big fort. then i said only one entrance? but theres alot. looks pretty good. a little sloppy in some parts
i like fort kind of games, and this one is good. i like how you added lots of cover. i like the interlocking too. the sniper tower could use some work though, like adding a ladder
This looks like a pretty cool map aesthetically, but there a are a few things that I would make look a little nicer. One thing I don't know is how gameplay in this is. Maybe some gameplay shots would be nice.
srry but i don't have alot of halo playing friends in my friends list ... so if you can give me some action shots i would add em (and i'm not sure if the weapon layout is perfect)
the forging appears to be quite well done. the design is really cool, too. it looks like it would be a lot of fun, nice job! unfortunately, i never get the chance to play maps that i wanna play on so i probably won't get to play this one either...
im downloading this cause it looks great for infection. happy face! i will try getting a custom game going with this.