2-4 Players Fort Palm

Discussion in 'Map Database' started by Aye iTz Steezy, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Aye iTz Steezy

    Aye iTz Steezy Legendary

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    Hey guys! I have come up with a map that I think is very fun and some of my friends agree.

    Its called "Fort Palm". A symmetrical map, that is great for FFA/1v1/2v2 or even warming up for MM.

    My GT is Aye iTz Steezy

    The best game types are,
    • Slayer
    • King of the Hill
    • and Oddball
    Apologizes for the potato quality pictures.


    If anybody has any suggestions or recommendations just let me know! Im open for adjusting and fixing anything! I will also be on for a while tonight, so let me know if you would like to play it together!

    Thanks guys!

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