Fort la Roque

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Renato Cool Guy, Mar 14, 2008.


Do you like the storyline/map convined together?

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  2. No

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  3. Yes but I hate you.

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  4. You should make more maps!

  1. Renato Cool Guy

    Renato Cool Guy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title: Fort La Roque
    ~~|||°°°Fort La Roque°°°|||~~/Enemys are coming, only Fort la Roque is undestroyed.

    V2 IS OUT! DOWNLOAD V2 HERE: Fort la Roque V2

    Download Map 
    Download Gametype 

    I had a dream after watching the I am Legend movie. Then from that dream I made a story for a school project, after that I made this map.

    The story: The year is 2024, the humanity have all joined together for one cause: SURVIVE. A new virus has been found. The Racknang is a virus that takes hostile human form. This new virus is airborne and contact contagious, when the virus came there where 3.2 billion people on earth. Only 984,547,023 people where immune. From those people 506,789,062 people died of hunger and 306,408,768 decided to escape earth. The mission was failed. The ship that would take them to a safe planet disappeared. The remaining 171,349,193 people left scattered around earth didn’t know that the virus was still there, human form. 171,347,993 where killed. The survivors where divided into 6 sectors:
    Alpha (Destroyed by the hostiles).
    Beta (Massive suicide).
    Asaine (Last position know was Argentina, now ashes).
    Mist (Attacked by the hostiles, few survived. Unknown location).
    Cosmic (Disappeared after their boats enter the Strait of Magellan to rescue Asaine Sector).
    Omega (Attacked by hostiles, few survived. On the run to the last know safe place, Fort La Roque).

    This is the story of Omega sector.

    Good thinks people and great forgers have said:

    AlExThEgReAt22 (Creator of Bungienator) said:

    "looks truley amazing, it could help if you neated the map just a little bit. and add somthing in the middle of the map, couse it looks kinda empty.

    other than that its an awesome map. i gave it a 5/5"

    xBRx destroyer (creator of the I am Legend v1, v2 and v3 on foundry) said:
    "dude this looks really cool im not going to lie. i like the idea of the bunker and it looks very well made all around. i cant wait to play it. this gives me some pretty cool ideas for new maps too. ill comment back when i test play it."

    HaloStriker214 said:

    "I have to say.  This is an amazing map nothing else to say."

    T T 0 A S T T said:

    "You should seriously consider making some one sided gametypes for this. It looks like an awesome "defend the base" type of map. I think assult would be a blast on this map. Crazy awesome dude. And welcome to Forgehub, you already have a great jump start in the community with this map in my opinion. =D"

    Beettaaa said:

    "Wow, this map looks absolutely phenomenal.

    Me, being a fan of zombie maps, and making almost all of my maps infection based, will have fun on this map.

    Great map."

    Furieux Shadow said:

    "Dude great storyline
    Resident Evil/ Doomsday feeling...
    Great use of tools
    Innovative door
    Weapon room looks slightly overpowering but great for infection
    Fort is awesome
    Bunker looks like its perfect...

    By looks:
    Story-Line 5/5
    Game 5/5
    Innovation 5/5"

    Brno32 said:

    "Ok I just played this and I nearly -blam!- my pants at the look of it."

    Locoldontknow said:

    "Just downloaded, will play as soon as I get home, map looks incredible! i cant wait!"

    KLASHOCKA said:

    "Wow! Nice 5/5 the story almost made me cry! you can do it omega sector!"

    ATTENTION: I want to tell you that the armory has a trick. You have to go trough a teleporter to reach the roof there you got to crouch trough many things to get to the armory so its kind of hidden. Also its like on the roof so its like open. Besides by going through the big foundry built in tunnel the infection can get to the bunker and climb it, then walk in the ledge that is left out and jump on top of the fort's roff reaching the weapon room instantly and killing anyone in there. So this map has its own trick. The only way in, is not the door. 

    Game play: The defenders spawn inside the fort and the infection outside. Defenders most close the door fast before any infected gets in. Door closed and everyone to their positions. Turrets, snipers etc… Ready to rock.

    Fort la Roque:
    Closing Door:
    Weapon Room:
    Infection Spawn:

    Please leave a comment and rate on the page and on here also!
    Thanks to all and I hope you enjoy! And don't kill yourself as the Beta sector!

    Tags: Fort La Roque Virus Infection I Am Legend Zombies Fortress Door Renato Cool Guy

    I have yet again changed your topice title, modify this again and you shall be warned, forum behaviour is not neccesary here, in fact it only draws negative attention.


    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    does this have ctf set up for it if so it would be awesome
  3. Renato Cool Guy

    Renato Cool Guy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: ~~|||°°° Fort la Roque °°°|||~~ / Fort la Roque is undestroyed.

    Yes it does but I have some problems setting it up correctly so it may be like double flag accidently becouse each time I save it with the flags set up correctly they just change.
  4. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have to say. This is an amazing map nothing else to say. Do the bunker and the fort attach to each other?

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    It is ok I will set up the ctf myself and assult
  6. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    You should seriously consider making some one sided gametypes for this. It looks like an awesome "defend the base" type of map. I think assult would be a blast on this map. Crazy awesome dude. And welcome to Forgehub, you already have a great jump start in the community with this map in my opinion. =D
  7. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought this map looked great until I saw the armoury. I mean 2 HAMMERS!!2 FUEL RODS!!!WTF!!!!!!!
    And on top of this the armoury is soooooo sloopy. Other than that it looks great!
  8. Renato Cool Guy

    Renato Cool Guy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for comments guys, yes this is a good map in assault but its hard because i set it up and when i go to assault i changes the bomb spawn and all.

    And sparten45 the weapons are overpowered becouse you cannot get to the weapons room if you dont look well arround you becouse you gotta go to the roof and many stuff.
  9. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wooah that looks so good :surprise: but isnt there like 7 billion people when the virus comes :surprise:

    because right now there is 6 billion people :surprise:
  10. Renato Cool Guy

    Renato Cool Guy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know but after 2012 incident (i am legend) the repoblation of earth only gained 3.2 billion
  11. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ooooooooooohhhh :surprise:
  12. Renato Cool Guy

    Renato Cool Guy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yep lol btw guys can I post this map under other category also like minigames?
  13. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Wow, this map looks absolutely phenomenal.

    Me, being a fan of zombie maps, and making almost all of my maps infection based, will have fun on this map.

    Great map.
  14. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sorry but the storys kind of cheesy but the fort itself is amazing looking.
  15. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My sentiments exactly.. I was really captivated by your catchy opening storyline. loved it!. I think it's a great touch to a nice post. Then got down to your first few pics and thought.. Wow.. better than I expected. Then I saw the armory and thought.. omg.. not another map where the creator is too lazy to put any thought into weapon placement. I really like the idea behind this map, and besides the armory part, it looks really nice. However.. I will not be downloading because I cannot stand maps with armories/supply rooms with the accompanied fact that everyone will more than likely camp there eventually considering its an infection game.. **SIGH** Great post tho.. I'll check back later to see if you put any thought into those weapons..
    [​IMG]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
  16. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't know about your story seems kind of cool but with all the numbers gets a little confusing. Your map is very impressive though. Nice use of interlocking. Although weapon rooms I do not like. Hopefully yours will change my mind but I don't know.
  17. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks really good, but as a few other people have said, there are a few things wrong with it. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to fix it.

    I'm going to download it and see what I can do.
  18. Renato Cool Guy

    Renato Cool Guy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I accept criticism but I have to tell you that the weapons room is well hidden thats why there is a sender in there, becouse the only way out is the sender. And also it is indeed a balanced map, the zombies can go through the tunnel that is on foundry and reach the bunker without being noticed and bam with a jump they are in the roof.
  19. frigoc1

    frigoc1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wicked awesome map! 5/5 definately!

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have remade this map with a more balanced competitive feel if you would like it please message me i will

    P.S. i will edit this post with pics up the upgraded version

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