Map Title: Fort La Roque V2 ~~|||°°°Fort La Roque V2°°°|||~~/Enemys are coming, only Fort la Roque is undestroyed. Download Map Download Gametype I UPDATED THE GAMETYPE, IF YOU DOWNLOADED THE OLD ONE BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THIS ONE IS UPDATED V1=450+ DOWNLOADS V1: Fort la Roque Credits: Renato Cool Guy: Forged the map, made the story and all the crap. Public: Accepted this map and liked it. IxGUNxSLINGERxI: Gaved me good idea like merging boxes to the middle and putting stairs instead of teleporters. Description: I had a dream after watching the I am Legend movie. Then from that dream I made a story for a school project, after that I made the V1 map then this V2. The story: The year is 2024, the humanity have all joined together for one cause: SURVIVE. A new virus has been found. The Racknang is a virus that takes hostile human form. This new virus is airborne and contact contagious, when the virus came there where 3.2 billion people on earth. Only 984,547,023 people where immune. From those people 506,789,062 people died of hunger and 306,408,768 decided to escape earth. The mission was failed. The ship that would take them to a safe planet disappeared. The remaining 171,349,193 people left scattered around earth didn’t know that the virus was still there, human form. 171,347,993 where killed. The survivors where divided into 6 sectors: Alpha (Destroyed by the hostiles). Beta (Massive suicide). Asaine (Last position know was Argentina, now ashes). Mist (Attacked by the hostiles, few survived. Unknown location). Cosmic (Disappeared after their boats enter the Strait of Magellan to rescue Asaine Sector). Omega (Attacked by hostiles, few survived. On the run to the last know safe place, Fort La Roque). This is the story of Omega sector. Good thinks people and great forgers said about V1: AlExThEgReAt22 (Creator of Bungienator) said: "looks truley amazing, it could help if you neated the map just a little bit. and add somthing in the middle of the map, couse it looks kinda empty. other than that its an awesome map. i gave it a 5/5" xBRx destroyer (creator of the I am Legend v1, v2 and v3 on foundry) said: "dude this looks really cool im not going to lie. i like the idea of the bunker and it looks very well made all around. i cant wait to play it. this gives me some pretty cool ideas for new maps too. ill comment back when i test play it." HaloStriker214 said: "I have to say. This is an amazing map nothing else to say." T T 0 A S T T said: "You should seriously consider making some one sided gametypes for this. It looks like an awesome "defend the base" type of map. I think assult would be a blast on this map. Crazy awesome dude. And welcome to Forgehub, you already have a great jump start in the community with this map in my opinion. =D" Beettaaa said: "Wow, this map looks absolutely phenomenal. Me, being a fan of zombie maps, and making almost all of my maps infection based, will have fun on this map. Great map." Furieux Shadow said: "Dude great storyline Resident Evil/ Doomsday feeling... Great use of tools Innovative door Weapon room looks slightly overpowering but great for infection Fort is awesome Bunker looks like its perfect... By looks: Story-Line 5/5 Game 5/5 Innovation 5/5" Brno32 said: "Ok I just played this and I nearly -blam!- my pants at the look of it." Locoldontknow said: "Just downloaded, will play as soon as I get home, map looks incredible! i cant wait!" KLASHOCKA said: "Wow! Nice 5/5 the story almost made me cry! you can do it omega sector!" Game play: The defenders spawn inside the fort and the infection outside. Defenders most close the door fast before any infected gets in. Door closed and everyone to their positions. Turrets, snipers etc… Ready to rock. Fort la Roque: Closing Door: Bunker: Infection Spawn: Action: Action2 Please leave a comment and rate on the page and on here also! Thanks to all and I hope you enjoy! And don't kill yourself as the Beta sector! Tags: Fort La Roque V2 Virus Infection I Am Legend Zombies Fortress Door Renato Cool
Can you show some more pictures like inside the entire base and the bunker. I cant play on it so I really want to see more of it. ( Can't play because xbox has been taken away) Hey. That rhymes!
Thanks you By the way: Credits: Renato Cool Guy: Forged the map, made the story and all the crap. Public: Accepted this map and liked it. IxGUNxSLINGERxI: Gaved me good idea like merging boxes to the middle and putting stairs instead of teleporters. p.s. Halo striker ill show you pics, ill get them soon
I saw your V1...And it doesnt look any different as far as I can see... I really hope you're not one of those people who double posted your map as a V2 and changed 1 little thing rather than updating your old map.
Ok here are the changes: The weapon's room that everybody complained about in v1 is removed. Infection spawn changed. There is a new good weapon and spawn placement in the map. There is new scenary, (Some merged boxes in the midle that looks like rocks, crashed trucks. Last but not least the teleporters where changed for some stairs becouse the teleporters looked too futuristic for the building. Also now is a more fair game becouse the infected now have a little more ways to get in the base and there is now weapon's room with overpowered weapons as before.
killex: thanks dude by the way I love your tubes map I hate you too lol egg: if you where amazed with v1 you will **** your pants off at the look of this one
I loved the first one, but was a little hard to navigate. Hope this one is bettterrr. I like the newly placed scenery at the outside. I'll check the inside when I download.
i love that part where you can close the base off using the wire spool otherwise really nice map id like to play it with you
Thanks for all guys, ill love to play with you and finally now im not receiving complaints about weapons room like last time. Why? Ohh yea I removed it.
These are my comments that are based on a game you made that is based on a school project that was based on a story you worte that was based on a dream that was based on a movie. Could someone please put these words to music, just to keep it going? I'll try to be poetic. I like the story, it makes the total package much richer. The fort has a unique look to it and is solidly built. I love the truck crashed through the fence, very creative. I also love the door 'cuz if the humans forget to close it, they deserve what they get. I'm not too crazy about all the open space, but that's no big deal. It just looks a bit.. obvious. Anyway, great map.
Dude thanks I love your maps btw and that checpoint it really looks like the real one, I saw that picture of you in real life in front of the checkpoint and then in Halo and it was like, WOW.
hi im new here at forgehub and on xbox live actually also i just got a 360, I was just checking arround maps and I found this one, and dude! this is awesome, im gonna download it and give it a review ok dude so cool!