Fort Bunker

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by yolerstuf2, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. yolerstuf2

    yolerstuf2 Ancient
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    Fort Bunker

    This map on Foundry consists of two bases. Both of the bases contain the same content. Guns, Vehicles, Grenades, and Turrents. At the end of each base is an Energy Sword and a Gravity Hammer. Near the end of each base is stairs that lead to the other side. Also at the very end of both bases is a plasma screen seperating both sides and a flamethrower in the middle. Right next to the stairs on each side is a man cannon to give a boost to either a player or a vehicle. Both of the sides are seperated by closed boxes and metal crates. If you could try it out and comment on what I need to change it will be appreciated. Also thanks to JSlayer7 for showing a link to help make this meet Fh standards.


    Download Fort Bunker

    P.S. This is my first Thread.
    #1 yolerstuf2, Sep 13, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
  2. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    This map isn't up to FH standards...? I'm confused. You didn't post anything. No pictures, links, description...But this is your first post. Let me try to help you out. (Will edit this post).
    EDIT: OK. I see that you put a link in. When I first saw the post, all it said was "Try it out." This link will show you what you need to have a valid map post: Try to edit your post within the next 24 hours, or else it will get locked.

    Welcome to FH, by the way.

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