Fort BoA

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by BoA Wrath, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. BoA Wrath

    BoA Wrath Forerunner

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    Fort BoA is now complete after a few tweaks following play testing last night:








    A short video with a quick flyby of the map can be found here. Keep an eye out for more maps from myself in the coming weeks which I will upload to my fileshare.

    Hope you all enjoy.
    Please send your feedback to my xbox live account gamertag: BoA Wrath

  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please include more of a description. I'm having trouble imagining what gameplay is like. Otherwise, looks like you've got some pretty cool structures here and there. Are there any hidden vehicles?? like a banshee or something??
  3. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I don't think this belongs in the aesthetic category. An aesthetic map is based of something like a creature or a famous place. Basically any noun. And aesthetic maps don't play on, so you wouldn't do slayer on an aesthetic map. But it does look nice.
  4. BoA Wrath

    BoA Wrath Forerunner

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    Not Aesthetic

    Hi mate your probably right but as I'm new to the forgehub experience I didn't see any other obvious place to put it especially as the admin closed my previous post to just ask for more images but didn't say it was in the wrong place.

    Another member on the forums asked what use the fort was if its not being used in a assualt game.

    Well it is a setting for a map. Its on a big outcrop of rock so my 4 year in stirling made me thin right lets do a castle map hence my choice.

    Hope you all like the results as its taken alot of hard work so just hope it was worth it and people enjoy it :).

    I've been working over the weekend on a CTF/Invasion map where the spartans start on a dropship, I've tried to recreate the fropship from the Aliens film which is looking alright. The players will start outside the dropship and be able to make use of a Warthog which is in the cargohold of the dropship which has its ramp lowered. Look out for Aliens Dropship map preview this week.

    #4 BoA Wrath, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  5. BoA Wrath

    BoA Wrath Forerunner

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    You can access a video with a quick flyby of Fort BoA here

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