Form Over Function? I've been seeing a lot of debating, even back and forth in some map threads about what is more important in a great forged map. When deciding what map earns your download, what is more important to you? Form or Function? Obviously, a map has to have some of both to be truly great, but this is about what you look for in a map. Many are of the mindset that interlocking on Sandbox is all but useless, and others are underwhelmed at lack of uniqueness found in some recent Sandbox creations. When you are cruising through the map forums, what gets you to comment and download more: 1. A completely unique, aesthetically beautiful map 2. An incredibly solid, perfectly balanced map
I don't download on what looks the most balanced, or the best forged. Just the most fun. If you have a bunch of walkways where i think "that'd be so fun to fight on" then I download.
Yeah, it's a balance of both that truly does the trick. Personally, I'm more persuaded by beauty over functionality than the majority. In all honesty I don't see much point in all the infinite variations on gameplay. I mean I love Halo, but I can always load up High Ground if I want something that plays well. I'm more impressed with maps that offer something genuinely new, either aesthetically, or the gameplay created in certain mini-games. Standard Halo has been done to death.