Forklift Wars Created by Shotzgunz4u [br] Supported Gametypes: This map is to played with the FL Assault Gametype Located at the bottom of this post. [br] Map Description This map is very open, so some may say "looks to big which = no fun", but accuatly it's not. There is a team A on one side of the map and a team B on the other, each base or side has two mongooses (one on each side), a truck that leads into the enemy's score zone which is on the other side of a wall where there is the team's forklift, and also there is a turret on both trucks on either side. In center of the map are the bomb spawns for both teams and right next to them is a wall of barricades and shield dors dividing each side, and also includes confusion with the two teleporters on either end. This map is reccomended to play with 4 v.s 4, but also can work with 1 v.s 1 and up. I had the idea for the map when I was playing assault with some friends and when you got the bomb in the score zone you would blow up a fork lift near it, so I thought wouldn' t be cool to have to pretect your forklift so it won't blow up. Then I made Forklift Wars. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] I have made a Remix of the pics instead for easy viewing below. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Also I hope you like this map, it's my first on foundary, and please give some constructive critisim or any other comments. [br] Download Forklift Wars Download FL Assault [br]
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. I'm sorry, but I don't know what is wrong. Could someone tell be because this the first time I ever posted here.
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. Yes, but after I had made the slideshow(remix) I accedently deleted the screens so I have that.
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. cool map once again dude! could you bump our Star Fox Ship v2 map for me because its getting lost back in page 4 and stuff. And I dont want to double post so if you could bump it that would be good.
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. I'll DL it and reply later, I like the idea but it sounds like a normal assault,
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. I'll DL and check it out. If it's not to my liking I'll get rid of it. I already am running close to the 100 Costom limit AGAIN...
i love the slideshow idea great but the map looks like griff ball with some guns, 2 forts, and 4 mongooses
Ya I know it doesn't look like much and it was suppossed to be fun like grif ball, but in version 2 it will be alot different. Also to make that slideshow you go to photobuket, then sign in, upload your pictures, create a remix add the pics you want, then edit and add titles, and wah-lah and good slideshow of pics.