Forgotten is the second installment in my soon to be released Fear of Heights infection map pack. It will focus heavily on teamwork and watching your back. Don't worry about the name, its simply a placeholder til I can settle upon something better. Here's some pictures of what i've done: First weapon spawn outside of human spawn area. (It is now a shotgun). Trip mine spawn and your way out into the streets. Rocket spawn out in the street. I have done more with the area to the right, so i'll try to get some more pictures up later. All key weapons are placed on the walls like the ones shown above. I personally like them that way and thought it would make finding some weapons easier for people. Fear of Heights and Forgotten should be released soon.
The humans are trying to make their way to a 'safe room' before it's too late. The zombies will spawn on rooftops and use staretgy to take out the survivors. If they don't make it to the safe room a "tank" powerup will spawn for the zombies that is very hard to kill. This helps get rid of campers (which is already hard enough to do). I should be able to put Fear of Heights up soon, which I also made a preview for awhile back.