Well, I've run into a problem with a CTF map I'm making. I've made one base so awesome.....that I don't have any more building blocks. :/ So now I have to somehow make a base which is just as intricate, without using the standard blocks. Anyone have any ideas or tips? Or any examples of maps using only nonstandard blocks? I only have about $5000 left.
There have been threads about this. It's hard. You can use walls obviously; if you run out of those, there are always these pieces that work well in the right situations: - Y platform (odd shape but it's flat at least, with no rails on it) - large brace under Decorative (best if geo-merged, or if part of it is otherwise hidden from view - but most of the piece is large and flat and wall-like) - some sides of many incline and bridge pieces My first advice though: go through what you've already built and see what you can consolidate, change, or eliminate. Replace blocks with other pieces whenever possible. See where you can replace two or three smaller blocks with one large one. Etc.
this is the finished base, that used almost all of my building blocks, and 4.5k of my budget. One flag CTF would be fine, but I'm not that experienced at modifying the environment to even the odds.
Oh gosh thats looking like a one flag to me.... you might consider creating a smaller less complicated base near by for the attacking teams base, make it defendable, but not a true base like that one's.. (more a an armory/garage spawn point) [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh gosh thats looking like a one flag to me.... you might consider creating a smaller less complicated base near by for the attacking teams base, make it defendable, but not a true base like that one's.. (more a an armory/garage spawn point)
Do you have wall pieces left and are you able to enter the base? Wall pieces are cheap and you can use them to make boxes, etc. As for entering the base, if you can't enter think about switching out the blocks with walls or inclines on 90 deg angles. If you can enter, switch the flat blocks with walls If you don't have wall pieces el megapwn is rigtht Another idea if you're sticking with 1-flag is make a 2nd base with a cave-like feel using the natural pieces (rocks)
Occam's Razor Spoiler No one likes having to find their way around intricate tunnels in an armored box with no sense of direction. More open bases are generally better because players can orient themselves against the surrounding environment and gameplay continues fluidly from outside the base to inside the base. Also try to liven up your base with some decorative pieces, we don't necessarily want this looking like the ONI office in New Mombasa. If you simplify the bases and replace some blocks and walls with other pieces you should have enough to finish your map. You still need to keep in mind though that most gameplay will not take place in or immediately around your bases but rather out in the space between them. Keep that in mind and put a little love into this area too.
this almost looks like a state-dance map from cosmic rick. that giant base actually looks pretty well built. as long as it isnt annoying in the interior. you can set that up for assymetric gametypes and it should work really well.
I hate to be this needy, but can you provide a DL link? Looking at the walls around the circular incline, I've got a feeling you can be a bit more resourceful...
If you guys want, I can just let you finish the map by giving you the link. I've expanded a bit on the other base and I just need to make it pretty, rather than a block with windows. I'm not sure why, but I put a bridge in on the other base for a snipey area. I'll post the link in a bit. [br][/br]Edited by merge: It should be located here. If the link doesn't work, try my file share at Bungie.net. I'll look forward to your variations.[And names for it]