We know it's coming. Other than that we don't know much except that it will be a first person shooter that will include a multiplayer beta with the purchase of ODST. It will take place before the current Halo games during the Fall of Reach and be released sometime in 2010. This is not a thread for news updates regarding information about Reach. This is a thread for wild speculation about what they will have in store for us with respect to Forge. Bungie has already gone to great lengths to push their current forging system to the limits after seeing the mind blowing creations and techniques the community has come up with. When forge was originally designed they had no idea how far the fans would take it and have done a great job at expanding the experience as far as they can in this game. Now that they can see the possibilities and the direction we have taken it, What will Bungie include in the new Forge? What do you expect or desire out of the forging system that will come with Halo: Reach?
Here are three of the most helpful and simple changes that could easily be done in forge. These are more of just a forge V2: -Immovable object traits will be changed. All immovable objects will be pathable, and placed rather than dropped. Pathable is how doors can be merged with anything, the only difference with the new immovable objects is the entire object is pathable. Now, if you place an object, it drops, this is a good thing for other objects, but immovable objects should be placed, or floated, by pressing A. -When on the X menu, immovable object's angles can be adjusted on three axis points, along with rotating them normally. These would take a new map editing engine, a little more drastic, but i would love these changes: -Only one player forge. -No physical editor like the monitor, just a view point that can pass through everything until a certain point in each map. (that just like theater) -The map and objects is translucent, increasing the closer you are. 30m away would be opaque, 15m would be clear. -Two main Objects: 1-Normal objects(with cooler name). 2-Geometry. Normal Objects: vehicles weapons (turrets would be geometry) equipment (powerups would be geometry) AI (sure!) Geometry: Scenery (panels, poles, boxes, shield doors, electric walls, teles) Interactables (doors, computers, bridges - halo CE energy bridges!, pipes which eventually fill up the level with liquid, stops at a adjustable time) Environment; acts like FX, but with adjustable range. (gas, fox, deadly ninja poison) FX; just like normal, more variety, day/night would be appreciated. -All geometry fully pathable and floatable, like i have described earlier. -On the X menu of the item, interactables and scenery objects will have three axis' of changeable specific angles, along this regular right trigger rotation. -For vehicles, interactables and scenery, pressing B on a item will give you the option to change skins. -On pause menu, the option to play would be available, and would be played normally -Timed events for normal objects (vehicles, weapons, ect) possibly a timeline. I copy/pasted this through all the 'what could forge be like' threads.