Just like the ABC crew and how they make projects, I was thinking that there could be more than one crew. So I am starting a new crew with talented forging skills. My crew will many focus on interlocking and geomerging. The crew will have ranks(). The frist rank right after joining will be: Junior Member, which is a rank that I have resently asked you to join or I accepted you. You will be promoted to second rank after I have seen your help to the crew and maps you help each other make. The second rank will be: Forging member. Forging member will be after you have frist been promoted. Next rank will be: forging mantager, which is, having good skills in both interlocking and geomerging. THen the ranks begin to split. After I have seen your great skill I will choose which side to go to: Interlocking member or Geomerging member. I will choose one member of each to be my co-workers in the crew with will be. The 2 co-workers, which is highest rank possible, is Interlocking GOD and Geomerging GOD. So it will look like this. FMC Owner: Bobsagetismyhro Co-Owner: Interlocking GOD Geomerging GOD Interlocking Member Geomerging member Forging montager Junior Member If you dont get an application from me and you want to join, then you can post an application which will consist of your skills. Here is an example. Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging):interlocking Have a mic(yes/no):yes A link to a map you made: How often on are you: 8 hours a day. jk Age:13 Gamertage: bobsagetismyhro After that I will decide if you can join. If you would like to help out my crew, you can make a logo, for a lot of rep. This crew will work on projects that will be throughly thought out and made. To get ranked up this is what you do, help us out wiht the projects we will make. Our first map will will make will be called: Experiment A1 I will also have a another rank that will be trusted will me and the rest of the crew. The rank will be Co-Owner. The Co- Owner will be in charge if you guys want to go ahead and start making another experiment, and he will take over. If you want to join, please place an app. Thanks I will make another thread later showing the ranks of people.
Why don't you make a group? Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging):interlocking Have a mic(yes/no):yes One pic of a creation you did: Pennyless v3 How often on are you: once or twice during the week. Usually every day on the weekend. Age: 15 Gamertag: Cheesepuffs96
Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging): Geomerging Have a mic:Yes A link to a map you made: Have made many just not posted on forgehub. I am making a great one right now. How often on are you: 3 hours a day maybe more Age:12 Gamertage: TheDarkKnight05
okay you guys are in I am going to post anothre thread saying the member so check it out you will be on it. Sorry was that a question you were asking me on your post ninja, i couldn't tell.
Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging):interlocking Have a mic(yes/no):yes A link to a map you made: How often on are you: 4 hours with no homework it depends Age:13 Gamertag: brett3123
Yeah I was asking you to make a group, because it will be easier to handle members and all that jazz.
like what type of group? I am doing ranks, you mean like groups, like they either go to interlocking or geomergin group?
Well, my friend could join... Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging):interlocking Have a mic(yes/no):no (I broke his, lololoololllololololol) A link to a map you made: ID WANT TOO How often on are you: Usually once a day. Age:16 Gamertag: Hells Gears
Thank you for joining. You will be a big help for our next Experiment, so we got a geomerger now for Experiment A1. Now we need one interlocker.
Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging):interlocking Have a mic(yes/no):yes A link to a map you made: I would if I had my good ones posted (all my maps posted are when I couldn't interlock or geomerge very well) How often on are you: Everday unless Im grounded. monday-thursday 3:30- 7:00 Friday 3:30-3:00am the next day. Saturday 7am-10pm Sunday 12am-7pm GT:deathshadow41 age:11
Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging): Can I Choose Both..? Have a mic(yes/no): Yep A link to a map you made: Zombie Office v2 How often on are you: It Depends Age: Don't Matter. xD Gamertage: Uncle Borat
Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging): Both I guess Have a mic(yes/no): Yes A link to a map you made: Click in my signature How often on are you: Usually like 3 hours a day, 1-2 if I have homework Age: 16 Gamertage: iM so PerFecT
yea ok. you are in, I love that map, great job. I am so glad that you joined. GT: Bobsagetismyhro. OUr crew will not be accepting anymore applications right now. I will edit this when I feel like it. lol.