Hello so ive started making my new sandbox map. ( i got it with halo wars) and ive come to pretty much a brain dead area. I had already planned out bases for my new map but now i don not like them and i think they just don't work. I was hoping maybe some of you guys could make suggestions to help me out here. Pics to help: Red: What i am thinking of doing with the catwalks. Pink: The catwalks now that is open to being redone. Green: The whole base area which i need to think of something. Blue: This area which right now i really hate and need something better. This one is pretty much an overview of one side of the map. Just a view from the side to help you understand the area. Another view Another view The map is going to over the whole of crypt except the areas behind those flood/ dam looking things. It will be for 4v4 - 6v6 and include a warthog on each side and set up mainly for ctf. In most games i see the warthog not really being used properly i want make the warthog seem like a power weapon so everyone will use it pretty much as soon as it spawns. There will be not many anti vehicle things but more things to protect you from the warthog so the warthog seems much more useful then usual. Like i am using bubble shields instead of power drainers, because power drainers stop the vehicle while the bubble shield protects you from it. I am so far not putting a rocket or splasor on it but after testing i will see how it plays against vehicles without this. Thnx in advance for your ideas and advice. Just two un edited pictures:
All i can really suggest is brainstorming. Use sketchup and just start creating structures that you think will help or hinder gameplay.
Thx for the adivice. Thats pretty much what ive been doing so far, brainstorming for a day now. I think the design i have now will hinder gameplay that is why i wish to redesign the bases. I was inspired alot by your bases for your collision map actually. I like them alot for some reason. I might screw around in sketchup for a while. Ive got all of the map all figured out its just the bases that have me.\ Thx again.
Well i have half gotten out of my little forge stopper. Ive done half of the bases but can't think of what to do for the other half. Maybe you guys can give me suggestions? Not make half a vase for me just suggest what you think would be cool to put there. Yet again i have pictures i like pics. Red: What i am going to do. ( Wall and walkway) Blue: Shield wall Green: What i need to fill. Pink: Hopefully man cannon. Hope you guys like it so far.
If you have sketchup, search for Darkastic in the 3D warehouse, look for my file. It contains most of the basic building blocks you need in sandbox, all to scale with eachother. Give a download, tell me what you think, and feel free to add in extra pieces, according to the other pieces' sizes.