This is the homepage of the social group, Forging Heaven. All members agree to comment and judge eachother's maps. We have a Forging Heaven's Forge of Fame. It's just some maps that are the greatest among all group members. Rules: No saying things like "it'd look nicer if you interlocked." Only suggest interlocking if it is necessary. Try not to be biased. Don't praise their map because they're your friend. Give an honest opinion. Avoid only giving your overall opinion. Give suggestions. Never insult other members. Constructive criticism. Always offer help to members who lack forging skills. Actually download and test some maps please. Play for fun, not out of obsession. To apply for entry into the group, send me, nealsaviking, a private message containing a link to a ForgeHub post of a map you have made. Without this, you will automatically be denied entry. Nothing more, nothing less. _________________________________________________________________ Forge of Fame- Brute Captain's Jedwali A competitive map that not only allows great, intense gameplay, but also wonderful aesthetic features. It offers some of the greatest forging techniques ever seen. Jedwali is a truly unique map. zstrike13's AT-AT This map shows a very well designed replica of the havoc-wreaking imperial tank, the AT-AT, from the Star Wars series. Not only does this please your eyes for aesthetics, but zstrike13 also included gameplay. Inside this tool of destruction is an entirely new world that you don't want to leave undiscovered. nealsaviking's Ligos Artemis Ligos Artemis is the first truly balanced infection map of Halo 3. Throughout the map are several structures, each containing specific advantages, along with disadvantages. The humans will surely fall unless they stick together and work as a team. in this map, you are never safe. Ligos Artemis offers a new type of infection that you don't want to miss.
I'd definitely buy into this idea, except I don't know who the heck you are, and this rule bugs me to no ends. That means that you're basically gonna unfairly boost each other's maps. So thanks, but no thanks.
So basically its another website for rejects from Forge Hub to go and feel cool and try to hide from the fact that they couldnt handle the harsh but true style of criticism that they received on this website. **** off dont advertise your shitty gaytown bullshit here
Ya, i don't understand how he get's to hang around and burn people so epically, but hey, whatever, it's not my debate, also, this is getting off topic, so i will just say, I will stick to the ABCrew for me, enjoy the Forging Heaven all Heaven goers
So you guys are they types of people who think you're all badass cause you insult people online while you sit there beating off your 2 inch **** to some japanese anime crap?
1.) I dont think i am badass, i know i am badass 2.) my **** is 2 and a half inches, thankyouverymuch be jealous *****
You must read my reply then, becuase I was actually defending you. Although now that you've just insulted me, that's not going to happen anymore.
I think what they really need to understand is that: 1.) You made a thread on another forum, trying to get people to come to your forum, so how do you honestly expect to get a warm reception... 2.) Not everyone on this forum acts like myself or Nemi... most people act all nice and hold hands and wear bunny suits. Or squirrel suits. Or sometimes, one will wear the bunny suit, and the other wears the squirrel suit!! 3.) My **** is 2 and a half inches goddamnit.
The thing is, this is basically a try to make a enclosed, elitist sect of Forge Hub members. That's why I dislike this group idea. I'm sure it's great for the people who actually need their maps boosted up to the top, but I'll stick to honest ways of getting my maps to gain notoriety.