Hey everybody. I have an epic map idea but it will be a GRANDE project so i'm putting i'm puting this out there(teh forgehub) so that map editors and people that love to forge will come and help. My idea is to recreate the Counter Strike Source map -(cs_office)- It's map where it's snowy out and theres a snowman 1 team starts in the garage thats connected to the main area which is like an office building which is where the other team starts. I was thinking about making this map on Avalanche (to get the snowy setting) but i realize this will take a lot of work and I was wondering if anyone would want to help? -I haven't started yet so feel free to post on this thread with your GT if you're interested or PM me! Here are some photo's a blueprints and such for those who haven't played the map to give you an idea of what it's like:
I too have never played Counterstrike, but I like the sound of the map. If you can get some blueprints or something, I'm in!
I know what map you're talking about! They have it on the old CS, ver 1.6 I'm gonna start up the game and find it right now... ... ... ... .... ..... ...... pretty darn sure its cs_office. Just looked in the maplist.
Yes cs_office is the map thank you! You'll all get a friend request from me shortly and I'll see if i can find a blueprint for you snipers stealth
Hi and thanks Ok whats your GT? Ok this is an edit about a week or so after i posted last inquiring to Gamertags. i've tried working on this and i've deemed it impossible(to make the whole map at least) i might try working on just the inside or something in the future but im busy at the moment with other maps and was put off of cs_office because i got pissed off trying to make it the first time.