Hello fellow Forgehub members, how are you doing today? Me, I'm just fine. So I have this map idea awhile ago, that I don't feel like pursuing and yet I feel like it should be done. Because, to the best of my knowledge, it has never been done before. Thus, I turn to the talented members of FH to tackle this challenge head on. Here's the challenge and to be clear there is no prize but the map itself and bragging rights. Theme: Starcraft Gametypes: Traditional/Invasion/Aesthetics Pictures: Normally I would post up pics, but my internet is goofing up at the moment. So if you have try looking up on Google images. Gameplay suggestions: For something like an Invasion map you could have the spartan teams start in these Terran Barracks. While the Defending team, the Protoss, need to defend themselves and protect their Pylons that is allowing them to bring in reinforcements. Then as the Spartans advance these drop pods appear, where players normally wouldn't go, delivering weapons and vehicles to boot. But if you want to do some traditional gametypes instead, I would reccommend making a symmetrical. It's easier and it would kinda fit considering that almost all of the Starcraft II maps are symmetrical. Final Note: Thank you for your time and I hope that you will possibly make a great map out of this. But if you are busy with something else, then just keep this little idea in your back pocket.
Well, it actually doesn't matter to me over how many people will participate. This isn't a contest, it's a map give away when you look at it.