Forging 101: Merging On Sandbox

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ZANDER1994, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Hello fellow sandbox forgers! Are you tired of trying to merge without an easy door meathod? Are you tired of those blasted sandbox dunes? With their funny shapes, and curves and hills and bumps and jagged edges? Then look no further, for I am here to teach you how to merge on Sandbox!



    "I thought I told you to get fireworks dammit".

    In this tutorial, I am basically going to list the 4 ways of merging on Sandbox, and we'll go from there.

    1. Geolocking! Geolocking is pretty simple. Do what you do with any other map, and brace the object you would like to merge. That means, put an immovable object on each side of the object you would like to merge except for the opposite face of the face you would like to go into the ground. We'll call the object we're merging, object A.
    Once you have braced object A on all other sides, tell it not to spawn at start, and start a new round. When the round begins, all you will see are the braces, outlining object A's position. Now spawn another immovable object. We'll call this object, object B. Float object B inside the area of which object A's opposite face was. Use the stacking meathod for this. How far object A will merge depends on how low you float object B. When object B has stabilized, force spawn object A.
    Now object A and object B are interlocked, with the top half or so of object A being inside object B. Save changes at this point in case the merge doesn't go well. Then, grab object A. Object A will always choose to go into the ground rather than another immovable object, so object B will inevitably push object A into the ground. Thats all there is to it.

    Zander made gifs!

    2. Snap merging! Snap merging is very very rarely used right now, but I'm trying to change that. Not a lot of people know about it, and those that do, often times do not recognize how helpful it can be on sandbox. Snap merging uses the "raindrops" that are attached to each object that is spawnable in forge. If you look closely, you'll be able to see these little guys in forge mode. What a lot of people don't know is that these raindrops control where the object spawns. The object will spawn relative to the rain drop. Now, the raindrop, will snap into the last angle it was at when you pressed the right trigger last, that is IF you save changes while you are still holding it. So for example, I make a double box perfectly straight up and down. Without touching the right trigger, I push it against a dune to make it tip the raindrop closer to the ground. Then I save changes while still holding it. When I start up the game again, the raindrop will be in the same place, but will snap the box straight up and down again, thus merging the box into the dune. EDIT: The gif is supposed to say without touching the RIGHT trigger.


    Video by BLADEP13

    Hotdog Merging! Yeah, that's what I call it. Deal with it. Hot dog merging can be a bit tough if your new at it. But don't sweat it, you have FOUR different ways to merge anyway.
    Hotdog merging uses the simple magnetic object system. Basically, objects like to stick to each other under pressure. I don't know why, they just DO. So, what you want is to create a STRAIGHT object, for the MERGING object to stick to. So first, go next to a dune that you'd like to merge an object into. The only way you can merge with the hotdog meathod is if you are merging into the side of a dune. You can't merge straight down. However, it's very useful for platforming. Now, you want to float an object just above where you want your object to actually go in the side of the dune at. Make sure it's at the angle you want (preferably straight) and that it isn't actually touching the dune. Now, spawn the object you wish to merge and float it directly beneath the first object you spawned. It's good to use the save and quite meathod for this. Once you have done this, you might want to make some braces on either side of the object you are going to merge. This is where it kind of looks like an upside down hotdog inside a bun. I don't recommend putting anything underneath the object you are merging. Having something on top, and on both sides is good enough. The object will more than likely stick to the top object as you merge. Now, go around to the dune side of the object you want to merge. Since none of the objects are actually touching the dune, you should still be able to see your object and grab onto what looks like the tip of the hotdog. The object will then slide through the hotdog bun, and if you keep tapping it, it will slowly merge into the dune. Most of the time it will stay floating in the dune, but just in case, save changes once it is merged the way you want it.


    The fourth way of merging on Sandbox is the simplist of all. All you have to do, is go into forge with a partner. Determine which one of you does NOT have host. Then have that person pick up the object and immediatly press down against the ground or wall. If you are not host, it will merge. From there, the host can grab the object and straighten it and do whatever they seem fit.

    Thanks for reading my tutorial, and good luck merging on Sandbox.
    #1 ZANDER1994, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  2. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    A nice tutorial, i was contemplating merging yesterday :D
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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  4. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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