Forgeworld sucks!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Security, Aug 2, 2011.

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  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Sandbox was entirely tan and no one ever complained about that

    Then people would complain about how plain that is: a giant, empty, flat box. At least building upon the natural geometry of the map (hills, cliffs, etc...) is capable of adding a lot more aesthetic value to a map.
    #21 Loscocco, Aug 3, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2011
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You can also create an organizing system if alphabetical isn't enough for you. This is how I do it:

    [A] - Aesthetic
    [BTB] - Big Team Battle
    [1v1] - 1v1
    [C] - Competitive
    [R] - Racetrack
    [P] - Puzzle

    You get the point. The system groups each bracketed prefix with maps that also have the prefix, with all the groups in alphabetical order. I now have 300+ Forgeworld maps, and I can easily find anything I need. My friend MetaWaddleDee has over 600 maps, most of those being variants of his own maps, because he saves as new every time he saves. He takes advantage of the alphabetical system just by adding numbers behind the map's WIP codename.

    On to the next complaint, the theme and color selection. Here I would agree, for the most part. It's possible to use Forgeworld's palate in variety of ways, though it is restricted. Sandbox's textures were less complex, and meshable. You could merge blocks into eachother at all sorts of odd angles, and the surface of this amalgam of pieces, so long as it didn't produce Z-fighting, usually looked good and clean. Not great, but good. Now, on the other hand, we have Forgeworld. Merging objects together at odd angles could end disastrously with the complex, glass-infected, forerunner objects that Forgeworld offers. However, if you work with the objects and the textures, rather than against them, the result has the capability of being far more beautiful than anything sandbox ever produced. Basically, there's a learning curve, though I'd rather have this learning curve as opposed to the previous rendition of forge, whos learning curve consisted of annoying glitches, extreme budget limitations, and general terrain/surface constraints.

    Now for the final issue, which would be frame-rate lag. This is where bungie goofed up, and this is what I'd have fixed before anything else. Forgeworld's massive terrain has little to do with this lag, though. The problem exists within the over-complicated objects.

    I'd like to emphasize a point, though. While there is always room for improvement, do NOT take for granted Halo: Reach's forge system. DtL is right; Reach forge is leaps and bounds ahead of halo 3, and I don't know about you, but I'm certainly thankful for that.
  3. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    not to be all nostalgic and such, but i really miss the desert theme and such. i guess the only realistic way to bring forge further would be to design your own pieces but then it would ruin the challenge.
  4. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    bringing forge further: map maker > map editor
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Its the truth, It kills creativity. Trying to come up with a map is difficult. Planning is easy. But knowing where to work is hard. Infact I might just switch to Tempest.
  6. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Point is time has passed and security is one of many impatient people ready to move onto the next thing and instead dealing with that impatience quietly, he decided to make a thread and voice complaints that other impatient people feel.

    Too many maps? Delete some if you don't like them that much.

    Aesthetics too similar? You have cliffs, grass, water, sky. Short of giving you every terrain known to man, Bungie covered it pretty well. Plus you can always load up a DIFFERENT MAP and try your creativity there until you get tired of it.

    Chop it into smaller maps? Already been answered, not only does that pointlessly limit creativity, but that does not make it any easier to search for maps unless you only have like 3 custom maps in each world.

    Only thing that I feel should be improved is what others have said, the lag problem generated from certain pieces.
    #27 PacMonster1, Aug 3, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2011
  7. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I am impatient. Its the reason I have never forged a map.

    I have maps that I like, why would I delete them?

    And how does it limit creativity? Most of the maps I've played are in one section anyway. If anything it could increase creativity, screenshot and machinima-wise.

    I guess it was just a matter of time until someone made this thread.
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Nuff said

    You can't complain that it is too hard finding a map and that there are too many maps you have to go through and then say you like the maps you have. Make up your mind, either you like the forgeworld maps or you don't.

    How would limiting space not limit creativity....If you've made or finished a map you'd understand this. Also you haven't played on enough maps if they're all in one section for you.

    Exactly...just a matter of time. Not a real complaint thread, just an impatient with what I have thread.
  9. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Just because I don't like Forgeworld doesn't mean people haven't created truly amazing things within it.

    I meant they are built in a single section, not one specifically. And if you give people constraints, their best work comes out. Why do you think Forging contests have rules?

    Maybe, but I usually complain when I'm bored with something.
  10. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Ok....kind of defeats the purpose of what you're thread is about

    ...then join contests. Again, your problem is just that reach has been out long enough that truly unique concepts are hard to come by. That isn't a problem with forge, that's a problem with your patience level.

    nuff said
  11. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    This, this and this.

    Forge World is beautiful and is a great map. Big Invasion maps would be for the most part impossible without Forge World. Same goes for machinima sets or Reach RPGs.

    I think you're just MAD
  12. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    They should reduce the amount of polygons that make up the pieces. 50-200 polies for a 6 sided block is ridiculous.

    One thing that would be a really good idea is to make it so you can change the texture that the pieces have, much like changing the team color. You could then define separate parts of structures like walls, floors, ceilings, etc...
  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    The only thing wrong with Forgeworld is the same thing thats wrong by Sandbox and Foundry, it eventually gets overused and the aesthetics become boring.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and why does the Block 2x2 have like 50 polygons?
    #34 Spicy Forges, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
  14. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    At first, I was like :-|...

    ...but then,...

    ...I was still like :-|.

    OP, you are missing the stunningly-obvious advantage to Forge World (besides consolidation of resources, i.e. not having to duplicate the object data across multiple map files):

    You can forge between the distinct areas.

    What if you want a map that uses the Quarry and the Coliseum? Or a map that uses Montana and the stepped cliffside that stretches from it to the Lagoon? Or a map that uses the Island and the cave that connects it to the Canyon?

    If Forge World had been broken into discrete pieces, such things wouldn't be possible. The point of merging it wasn't to give us all of the distinct areas in one; it was to give us all of that wonderful, unique space between the areas.

    Stop thinking inside the box. Stop cutting along the dotted line, and let your scissors veer off in the wrong direction for a bit. Maybe you'll end up cutting a pretty cool-looking shape out of that metaphorical paper, instead of the square you were "supposed" to.
  15. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    But you have a huge point, almost big enough I think to end the discussion.
  16. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
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    Why are so many of you feeding this obvious troll thread? Just read the title to realize this and move on people, nothing to see here.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Agreed, DavidJCobb summed it up for me. Of course, I could point out that I said the same thing earlier in this thread - but he said it better. :)
  18. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    I think OP is just annoyed of the same old color palette lol
    if they would simply have given us several images to choose from = epic map buldings

    And just to annoy all the other discussions @ this subject:
    I mean srsly, we coul also dream of being able to change the mapgeometry itself in way of hills, tunnels etc. but that's just too much right now (later in future games some day it will be there :D).

    Don't cry about something being the way it is too hard ~.~
    You can't change when raging about in the interwebz, just chill ;)

    /leaves 2 lol
  19. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    Actually it was in far cry 2 which is a relativly old game, as well as the ability to change the water level...I don't think it will ever be in Halo, the style of map making just doesn't suit it.

    PS we can make caves right now out of rocks.
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