Hello, The News As some of you know, over the past few days I have been at hard(sort of) work on getting our clan(ForgeTeam25) setup. And as of right now, we are 6 to around 10 members strong and still open for members. Anyways I wanted to take this time to announce that I want to have a open house and meeting tommorow at 4:00 pst The Open House We are a very young clan still and are looking for new members. So those who are interested or want to check out what were about, come see us. We will be making making a meeting room, to talk and discuss forge and future possible projects and of course the clan its self, hope to see all who wants to attnd there. Remember, its a open house, so anyones allowed to come see us talk or watch whats up. If anyone, see you there. XD The Meeting All clanmates, we will be discussing possible future projects and talking about the clan. Also for our first task, we will be creating a meeting room. YOU MUST ATTEND! If you cant, I need a doctors note or a message why you cant be there. I know its a little soon but I want to get the ball rolling so... see you there. Any other questions message me here or on xbox live at DarkBlades25 or ForgeTeam25 Hope to see many there.
Ill see if i can, Im probably going to play tennis because i never get a chance to anymore. Unless it is raining of course. It will be 7pm where im at but ill try to catch you later
Idk if i'll be there. My mom brok her leg and my parents are divorced so i have to take care of her for a couple days. That's why i wasn't on yesterday. I'll try and get on as soon as a i can though.