Forgetacular - Get Your Map Tested

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TitanC005, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am currently unable to host testing sessions, so in the meantime, please direct your attention to this thread , or feel free to organize something of your own.

    Help Me Help You Help Us All

    We've all got maps prepped and ready for Bungie's Forgetacular Contest, and if you want to get your map tested, here's your chance.

    I'm organizing a party of preferably 8 players for a session of map playtests. Sign up, bring your Forgetacular entry, get it tested, and have fun testing other people's too. The feedback will be immediate and you'll also get the required Saved Film you need to include in your entry's file set. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Here's how it'll work:
    • Every player present will have a map to be tested.
    • Party Leader will start with me, and will be handed down to the next player, and then the next player, etc.
    • As the Party Leader, select the Forgetacular entry you want to play on and the gametype best suited for it.
    • Postgame, we'll hold a civilized discussion about your map. What we liked, what we didn't, what could use improving, etc.
    • Once your map's been played, pass the role of Party Leader down to the next person.
    • Wash, rinse repeat.

    The process is simple and efficient, but requires a few things from you the player as well:

    • A mic is a must!
    • You must have a playable map for the Forgetacular contest. If you sign up and don't have a map, you're taking up a slot for someone who does.
    • Your map's spawns and objectives must work properly. We won't waste our time waiting for you in Forge if they don't.
    • Once your map has been tested, please try to be courteous and hang around to test everyone else's. They played yours, so return the favor.
    • If you can't elaborate on your opinions of a map farther than "That was cool" or "That sucked", don't bother signing up. Neither of those quotes are particularly helpful.

    It's not asking much, and as long as you're willing to put in the critiquing effort for others, you'll get lots of help in return.

    The first session this Saturday went extremely well, and the next session is scheduled on Thursday 11/4 at 8:30 pm Central time. The session is currently full, but if you're interested, keep an eye on the thread in case those already signed up can't make it.

    In your reply, state the following:
    • Gamertag
    • Map Name
    • Category/Gametype

    As stated, there's going to be a maximum of 8 player slots, and it's a first come, first serve basis. Since the party's limited to 8, I don't recommend bringing BTB or Invasion maps to the table. If this testing party system proves effective, I'll definitely host a BTB and Invasion-specific party at a later point.

    Also, some people have multiple maps they are going to submit. Pick the one you want playtested most. Staying for the first round of playtests if obligatory, but after that we can go through the roster again and playtest second entries people may have if the rest of the party wants to.

    So, if you want to get your map tested, sign up below. See you on the battlefield.

    PS. Keep an eye on this thread in case there's a change in time. I'll try and give people notice as much in advance as I can.
    #1 TitanC005, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  2. EnderFett11

    EnderFett11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One Flag CTF

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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  4. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The Testers Guild is an amazing group of people, and I certainly recommend going to them too, but this is just a way to get some more feedback and help everybody out. Everyone needs a saved film to go with their Forgetacular entry too, and this is to help accomplish that as well. Not everyone's lucky enough, myself included, to have a large Reach-playing friends list either. To that end, I made this thread.
  5. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    The testers guild is stretched way too thinly to be of use at the moment. I think someone mentioned earlier today that they're behind by around 2 weeks.
  6. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    Gamertag: jovial1
    Map Name: Bunker
    Category/Gametype: CTF
    Which day would work best for you: I can generally work with any day of the week at the moment.
  7. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would love to join, but I'm going to be on vacation for the weekend. If this continues into next week (Tuesday, November 2nd and on), I would love an invite. My gamertag is the same as my forum name, so please send me an invite if you guys are still doing next week. I really need the video, but there's no way I'm backing out on my traditional Halloween in Vegas trip, especially since I've already booked flights, hotel, and table service.

    _SPARTAN 121
    _CTF (either 1-flag or 2, preferably 1-flag)
    _Tuesday or after (next week)
    #7 SPARTAN 121, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to be out of town this weekend too, otherwise I'd love to get involved. I think we need to organize more testing groups amongst ourselves. People who care enough to post on Forgehub in the first place ought to collaborate and vet each others' maps more often, and the tester's guild just isn't sufficient for all our needs, say to say. Their lead time is too long and they don't even test all the maps submitted to them. Not that I don't admire their efforts, but we need to supplement what they are doing with our own tests.
  9. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If we can get 8 people today (Wednesday) or tomorrow, I'm totally available, just not too late (past 10pm PST).
  10. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    I just have to tweak a few things before testing my map, but I should be able to do that before either of the possible testing dates.

    -SPARTAN G086 (<-That's a zero in there)
    -Slayer / 4v4 Team Slayer
  11. GreenKiwee

    GreenKiwee Forerunner

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    Great! I have a map called Frigate. And I'd love to test maps too!

    Got time during the weekends in the mornings and the evenings.

    Gamer tag: GreenKiwee

    Link 4 Map: : Halo Reach : File Details

    See You Online!
  12. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    I can probably be game tomorrow. Tonight might happen, but it could be a stretch. I'll send you an FR. If you're trying to pull together a custom for testing, I'll join in if I can. (Though I'll ask you to help me have a look at one of mine as well.) :)
  13. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Of course. Hopefully we can get more people.
  14. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Tonight will definitely be a stretch, and I'm not sure half of the people signed up check Forge Hub regularly enough to get notice by then. But tomorrow evening is definitely a possibility. If we started at 7:00 Central time, would that work for everyone?
  15. EnderFett11

    EnderFett11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I won't be available til the weekend, maybe Friday, definitely Saturday like I said originally.
  16. swils24

    swils24 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Love the idea, would be happy to help out/be helped.

    Honestly, Thursday would work the best for me, but I'm in Alaska, so 7:30 Central would be 4:30 here, and I'll be in a lab session at that time. If you care to add me as a back-up, I could hop on later in the evening (probably not until 8:30 or 9:00 central, honestly) if you all are still going. Friday, I'll likely have a surveying lab until 6pm or so (so, 9 central), but might be able to get on after that. Saturday is likely out of the question.

    For what it's worth,

    Headshot Harbor
    Team Slayer
    Thursday, later on in the evening.
  17. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    I would love to get involved with this, unfortunately I don't think I'll be open this weekend. Maybe Saturday but it's a stretch. Next week would definitely be better though

    I want to get my Alpha Facility map tested now that I've made so many changes
  18. izmatik

    izmatik Forerunner

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    my gamertags are izmat1c and izmatik... i will be around most of this weekend other than halloween night
  19. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    All right, here's a list of people so far and when they're available. This is just kind of me helping myself organize. Correct me if I mark your availability wrongly.

    1. TitanC005 (myself)
    2. EnderFett11
    3. jovial1
    4. SPARTAN G086
    5. Green Kiwi
    6. izmatik

    Next week:
    1. TitanC005 (myself)
    2. SPARTAN 121
    3. swils24
    4. el megapwn
    5. General LiWar

    What I think I'm going to do is hold two separate sessions - one on Saturday for the people who can make Saturday, and then one sometime next week (would Thursday 11/4 at 8:30 pm central work?) for the people who can make it then. Hopefully the slots will fill for both of those sessions.
  20. redaV htraD

    redaV htraD Forerunner

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    Great thinking and good work getting this organized Titan :)
    I would like to participate as well, if there is still room. Any day except Tuesday is good. Although I am notoriously bad at remembering schedules, I am almost always on anyway. After seeing Pegasi Delta, I especially look forward to testing whatever you are entering, Titan :)

    redaV htraD
    Stratcom HQ
    4v4 Team Slayer
    After 8 EST; Any day but Tuesday

    Also, if this goes well, I would love to see this unofficial, mutual testing group become a regular thing (even after the contest)

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