To start with, let me say I am really excited about the Forgetacular contest even though I know I don't stand a chance Having said that, I am slightly confused. There is a single line in the official rules which states that all films and screenshots associated with the map must be placed into a file set together. However, nowhere in the rules can I find anything that says that we need film or screenshots at all! So, my question is: How many screenshots are required? What sort of screenshots are required? How much film is required? What needs to be in the films? And, where the hell do we get this information?!? Thanks in advance y'all
I think I remember reading that you need a film of the map as it would be played in Matchmaking. Alas, I don't think they let us submit map/gametype pairs, so I can't enter...
"Entries (including all corresponding file(s)) must be available in the Entrant’s Halo: Reach file share at time of submission and remain there through 12/6/10. Entries: (i) must include at least 3 screenshots; (ii) must include at least 1 saved film that demonstrates the specified game-type being played correctly on the map; and (iii) create a “set” on to group all related files together." Taken right from the section with all the bullet points titled: "Entries must adhere to the following requirements:"
I'm sure we all have a pretty good chance of winning. I mean if Cliffhanger could make it into matchmaking, I'm sure we all have a good chance too. I don't mean to dis Cliffhanger, I seriously don't. But I do believe their are much better maps out there.
Also if you want a chance at winning, be sure that your map is total garbage. Bungie doesn't like to put good maps in matchmaking.
LOLZ well they're not half bad. Just the other half lolz. (Oh god bad joke) I actually like some of the maps that Bungie puts into matchmaking to a certain extent. But, I really feel that there are much better maps out there with much better gameplay, better aesthetics, and better durability. Just sayin'.