Where is the line drawn between these two categories (team slayer and symmetrical arena) in the contest. What's the difference besides the addition of the symm. arena being able to support 8-player FFA and I guess its symmetry? I was going to submit my map for team slayer, but I believe it could fit in the symmetrical arena category. It has one axis of symmetry and supports FFA slayer. Any suggestions?
The Forgetacular submission deadline has already passed, so I don't think you really need to worry about it now. But I think you have a good grasp on the basic difference between them. In any event, Bungie said they were possibly considering maps under multiple categories so if you submit yours as one and they don't think it fits or like it better under another, I don't think that would be a problem.
The team slayer category doesn't require symmetry. For example Ivory Tower works rather well as a team slayer map. That isn't to say you can't have a symmetrical map for a TS-Contest map, just that it isn't a restriction there where it obviously is one for symmetrical arena.
Yeah, it's the free-for-all and symmetry. Also, Arena is all DMR starts, so if you think the map works better with Assault Rifles, the Team Slayer category would be better suited for it.