Forge's Final Frontier

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on the final barrier placed on us in forge: The item limits.

    Do you think there will eventually be a way to get around that limit, and spawn however objects of a certain type as we want? If there were absolutely no barriers to the forge pallet and budget, what things would you do that you couldn't do before?

    Personally, I'd fill the entire foundry map with double boxes just for the hell of it. I'd make a entire house from fusion coils, too.
  2. MassDefect

    MassDefect Ancient
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    I definitly know what you're saying and I reallize "Holy **** that would be Cool!" but it could never happen... if no a limit on one item then you couldnt spawn any others... its in the programming and memory data for the map... if you did find a way around it the map would either not work because of glitching over memory or you would have to resort to mods.... Our only hopes to more items is a bigger Foundry (which has been spoken about, both in the Forge community and in the actual community).

    Just because i know what youre talkin about... i would build the biggest building ever created... using the entire warehouse of foundry... 4 stories high.... about 5 rooms full of the morst awesome crap ever! or even a 4 storie maze!!! That would be chill!
  3. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I heard that someone had gotten rid of the item limit a long time ago, but that was just a rumor. But really, I don't think that we will be able to get around it other than modding. I think if someone could get into the code it would be easy to get around it. For those looking into it ( because I do not mod, but I do program a little (C++, Visual Basic, Html, Qbasic) i think the code would look something similar to
    or something similar and all you would have to do would be delete that line of code and all of the ones for all the other objects.

    This is burnt into the disc though, and I don't know how you would change it.

    Also, removing a line of code, even if you do not think it will effect the others, could (probably not) but could really messup the game. Every line of code is effected by the one above it.

    NOTE: Once again, I am not a modder or encouraging modding! I am just providing a logical response to Something.'s post. Please don't think I am.

  4. Something.

    Something. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, there are ways to trick the map into thinking there are more boxes then there really are (with the new infinite money glitch map). So, perhaps, there could be a way.

    Bungie might put a patch to that one though, because people could use it to do malicious things (READ: Blow up your xbox). You saw what happened with the file share fiasco.

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