Hey this is Gun Down with the second chapter of the forgers handbook wich was origanly call Tips to Mapmaking. With some of the stuff you read you may look up the map Downfall (no link)which is one of my favorite maps and also has pictures of some of the stuff. So here is chapter 2. Tip#1 Unlimited money: I forgot to mention it in my last guide but from past expierence ALWAYS use the unlimited budget glitch, even if you don't plan to finish the map. Theirs been so many situations were I wish I had used it. Also when your done, I may consider leaving the extra objects so you can upgrade. Tip#2 Cover in a map: When making a map cover is crucial. Not enough can leave your map empty and blank yet to many objects that provided cover can make a map feel cramped and small. Cover can also be scenery so cover and scenery can mix together. Tip#3 Scenery: In the forge you have a plentiful amout of scenery at your disposal. I encourage that if you make a spot were you can see outside your map place some vehicals or some leftover stuff you dont need.Also with scenery you may also make hidden jumps. Tip#4 Jumps: Also in maps you may want to make a challenge to players by adding challenging jumps. Rather they be hard, complex, or just out of the way. Firepower (Guns, Equipment, Power ups, or vehicals) may be added in these spots. Tip#5 Firepower: every map need weapons, equitment, power ups, and vehicals. I suggest 3 power weapens per map unless their hidden then up it to 5 .I suggest 4 equitment objects at max, power ups and vehicals depend on the map. I will give a guide all on firepower in a later chapter. Tip#6 Traps: Feel like beign mishevious in a map, add traps. One trap is the dumster trap were a man cannon is placed behind a dumster and in front of it is a powerup so when you get the powerup the dumster shoots at you. This is one of many traps which I may devote a chapter to. Tip#7 Explding objects: Love fusion coils and propane tanks. They be fun or annoying, it depends on where there placed. On a map you may want to limit them and with fusion coils put them in pairs. Also if you put them around a corner are good spots because one wrong gernade may blow someone around the corner up. Thats all for this chapter the next one may not be up for a while oh and if you haven't read the first post read it.
I've seen a lot of this type of thing, but usually they are more narrow on what they talk about. (Forging Guides I Mean) Such as Linu's Weapon Placement Guides, and the many, many, interlocking and geo-merging guides. But keep this up, it's pretty decent. I don't agree with your Power Weapon limits though. If it's a big map, 3 or 4 is plenty, unless it's meant to be vehicular and you need explosives. Remember Foundation form Halo 2? It had a sword, 2 rockets, 2 shotguns, and like 4 needlers. Something like that would be way too much. (Though I know you didn't say 9)
With the weapons limit it depends on the shape of the map and lots of thing I did say I will make an advanced post on the firepower.