Forger's Cell

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by buddhacrane, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    The barrels were blocking a receiver; you change the channel on the sender you used earlier to get there, now that you've unblocked the receiver.

    Saving the map just involves saving the map. You know, the "Save as" option in Forge...You see, because you deleted the single box earlier, that creates a checkpoint from puzzle 1 to puzzle 3, so you never have to do puzzle 1 or 2 again. and, now you've toppled the barrels, once you switch the channel on the sender node you won't have to do puzzle 4 ever again either.
  2. Weeden Project

    Weeden Project Ancient
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    Yay, i've finally managed it, great work on the map, its a rare gem.
  3. aruigus808

    aruigus808 Ancient
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    this is a really kool map ^.^ but im stuck on the part right after the barrels. Theres two rooms that i can go into but theres no way to escape. wat do i do?
  4. Creech n Spawn

    Creech n Spawn Ancient
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    This map was a great idea Buddha, but it never really quite lived up to it's potential to me. Maybe I was expecting too much, because forge puzzles are incredibly hard to come up with, or maybe I just prefer the regular old custom games one, I just wasn't amazingly impressed by this puzzle. I still give it a 10 for originality, but an overall 8.5/10 for the map.
  5. OMGItzOrion

    OMGItzOrion Ancient
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    This map was fun and had some great ideas, but it's relatively easy for a Buddha map. Nice job though!

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