Forger's Cell

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by buddhacrane, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    There's a lot of important information to squeeze in here so, please, bare with me!

    • [jumpto=introduction]Introduction[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=rules]The Rules[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=information]Important Information[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=pics]Pics and Hints[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=changes]Version Changes[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=link]Download Link[/jumpto]


    So, first of all, why should you play this puzzle map? I mean, come on, let's be fair now, there's been a veritable mountain of top quality puzzle maps out lately! What makes this one special...?

    ...Well, played any puzzle maps in FORGE lately?

    No really! This is a puzzle map you play in FORGE. Yup, with your monitor and everything! "Madness!" I hear you cry. "It can't be done!" you exclaim. Oh how naive...It actually can be done and...well yes it is madness ;)

    Credit goes to TheCartographer and Gamer720 for the initial inspiration to do a Forge Puzzle Map.

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    [aname=rules]The Rules.[/aname]

    Naturally there must be some rules. We can't have you gallivanting about willy nilly now can we? I know, you must be thinking "Oh bah, a bunch of honour rules, how lame!" Well, actually, there's just the one and that is...

    -No going Under/Outside the map geometry: Yup, that's it! That's the only rule. Absolutely anything else your crazy mind can concoct while in my puzzle map is fair game, provided you're on your own, this is a solo puzzle map of course.

    If you must insist on having other members with you in your party then there are two more rules you must follow:

    -No Off-Host only tricks: This includes such tricks as "tele-tapping" - The ability of Off-Host to pull/push a teleporter through a wall/barrier. Basically if the connection host can't do a trick, then you shouldn't be doing it. You may also suffer some minor glitches, it's best if only the connection host initially solves the puzzle before other players follow suit.

    -No using more than one player to solve a puzzle: This means things like having one player hold up an object in Monitor Mode so that the second player can benefit from it. All puzzles must be solved and completed as if there were only one player present.

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    [aname=information]Important Information.[/aname]

    Beyond the rules, there are some other things you should be made aware of. This is a completely new experience for everyone and I want to prepare you as best I can.

    Most of the Forge Objects you discover you will be unable to grab/move/delete. I have done this because I don't want you moving, grabbing or deleting them! How have I done this? Most of you probably know. How have I made this break-proof? Most of you will end up discovering that for yourselves!

    Of the objects that you can grab/move/delete be Very Careful what you do with them. For example, if you delete an object then you cannot get it back! Deleting something should be the Last thing on your mind when you come across an object. It should be a last resort if it is blocking your path, not the first plan of action! The majority of objects you come across you will actually want to move, not delete!

    There is a new style of checkpoint system in this map. At some point you will come across a Sender that you can manipulate, this is the new Hub - the Forge Hub you could say! As you unblock new areas you can switch the channel on this sender. There is also another cool thing you can do; you can actually save the map! If you want to stop at any point, and you know you've not messed anything up (like gone around deleting stuff) then you can just save the map and come back to it later, knowing everything is where you last left it. I would advise saving it as a new map though!

    My final piece of important information is this: Forget about everything you ever knew about puzzle maps! All of it, just forget the whole lot, all the glitches, tricks, everything, none of it will help you here. Everything about this puzzle map was made with Forge in mind. This also means that it doesn't matter if you're the world's best puzzle player, an expert at previous puzzles, or an all out noob of puzzle maps. You're all on an even playing field here. The best weapon to have for this puzzle map is a good knowledge of Forge.

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    [aname=pics]Pics and Hints.[/aname]

    With each pic you will get a hint, as well as important information regarding that room (like what NOT to do!)

    Puzzle 1 - I believe that door says "Push". Always remember to look where you're going!
    Extra Information: This isn't the room you spawn in, but it is the first puzzle. Also, don't delete the door!

    Puzzle 2 - The picture for puzzle 3 is a rather big clue for where you're trying to go next.
    Extra Information: It is possible to go the wrong way here. You'll know if you've gone the wrong way because you'll see a firebomb. If this happens I'm afraid you have to kill yourself and try a different approach.

    Puzzle 3 - This puzzle is nothing to do with tricks or glitches. It's about spacial awareness.
    Extra Information: Don't drop the object near the sides of the room, it will cause it to be deleted! Also don't take it too close to the Double Box as it will leave the room and you will be unable to get it back! Also Off-Host can break this room. Please only have Connection Host try to solve this puzzle, otherwise it spoils the fun.

    Puzzle 4 - First something must be taken away for it to be recreated. (Change: No longer applies) The location of creation is important if you want to topple its brothers.
    Extra Information: Letting go of the object when it is beyond an invisible barrier will mean you cannot grab it again, it would also mean you're screwed. Don't let go of it! Delete it instead (Yes, one of those times you actually do want to delete something)

    Puzzle 5 - Two rooms: One has been reachable for a while now, but seemingly has no escape. The other you have just unlocked and is where you can create the escape route. It may help to use a stick to extend your reach.
    Extra Information: Off-Host can break this room. Please only have the connection host try to solve this puzzle, otherwise it spoils the fun.

    Puzzle 6 - Speedy thing switches modes, speedy thing switches back! Momentum is conserved!
    Extra Information: Connection host will find this a lot easier.

    Puzzle 7 - Neither monitor nor spartan can fit through, bow your head in shame!
    Extra Information: Really weird this one. All types of different ways this can be done but only one way will work if you're connection host and on your own. So, if you ever try this again on your own you may wonder why the solution you did last time doesn't work. Needless to say there is one correct solution!

    Puzzle 8 - Your spartan will quite happily stay where he is should your monitor venture to a location he cannot go. Use this trick to get under the stairs!
    Extra Information: There is a single box in this room. Do NOT delete it!!! You need it to complete this challenge. You may notice there was a single box just before it though that was blocking your way, that one is safe to delete since it was acting as a checkpoint for your sender node.

    Puzzle 9 - Reset your surroundings for any hope to complete this final challenge.
    Extra Information: There's a reason the receiver is initially on channel 7 so that you don't have to guess which channel it should be changed to. (You've hopefully noticed you've only been increasing channels by "1" each time so far)

    End! Enjoy your freedom and merriment with the vehicles! You've earned it!!!

    [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto]

    [aname=changes]Version Changes.[/aname]

    New version 1.1 - 02/10/2009 (2nd Oct)
    • Fixed two breaks in Puzzle Challenge 8
    • Minor alteration to solution for Puzzle Challenge 9
    • Added checkpoint to Puzzle Challenge 3 from Puzzle Challenge 1
    • Removed unnecessary barrel from Puzzle Challenge 4

    New version 1.2 - 08/10/2009 (8th Oct)
    • Fixed break in Puzzle Challenge 9
    • Balanced out an element of "Luck" in Puzzle Challenge 9
    [jumpto=contents]Back to Contents[/jumpto]

    [aname=link]Download Link.[/aname]

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    #1 buddhacrane, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Hey dude. This is a great puzzle map, especially since it's done in forge. I'm happy to see a great puzzle map out there, and though you feel as though there are tons of great puzzle maps out there, that isn't 100% true. I hope to play this before ODST drops.

    Great way to create a thread :)
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I have always hoped someone would come up with a forge puzzle but i never knew how it could be done. This is very cool!
    So what kind of forge tricks does it involve? Or would that give away some of the puzzles... I'm excited to see what it is like. I'll probably end up saving like twenty versions of the map as i go through the puzzle lol. I might have two of the rooms figured out already, but we'll see once i'm in game. I like the hints you give. They are very helpful without giving each puzzle away.

    Did you create this puzzle map because of the new forge glitch by chance? I know it has caused many people to make little side projects just to try it out.

    Anyway, looks like a fresh experience and i'll swing back by if i run into any problems!
    #3 Gunnergrunt, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  4. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Ehhh, I knew you were going to post this soon. Oh well, maybe our puzzles can share the spotlight, lol.

    Anyways, this is an incredibly creative map, which requires you to think in a whole new way. It's a bit short, but it's extremely fun. Also good job on finding ways to get rid of the honour rules. This definately deserves a feature and needs to be played by anybody who calls themself a forger.

    I just had one question, when you were forging the last couple of challenges, did you have to play through the puzzle in order to get to where you needed to forge, or did you find an easier way?
  5. skunkchop

    skunkchop Ancient
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    Okay, this is an amazing idea. I actually didn't even know there was a glitch that makes objects un-deletable. I'm DEFINITELY trying this one out, it's completely unique.
    Weird thing is, I actually had the same idea a few days ago! I was thinking of making a monitor mode puzzle where you wouldn't be able allowed to delete things, but you took care of that.
    Even though I haven't tried this map out yet, I can easily say you've outdone yourself. The idea itself is mind boggling.
    Keep up the phenomenal work, buddha!
  6. Ratman

    Ratman Ancient
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    this is absolutely incredible one of the bests ive seen
  7. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    personally, i hate puzzle maps, but I'm definitely going to give this a try. great idea.

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    I played tested this map, and must say I was very impressed. This puzzle map is well planned and executed, with complex methods, and sophisticated techniques. I guess it’s safe to say the more you know about forge, the better your chances are of successfully completing this map lol.Nice job on ghost merging, The rooms are neatly designed. Yet another great puzzle map by Buddha, nice job. 5/5

    Yeeman is secretly laughing, because he has an answer key guide to this map.
    #8 YEE MAN IZ BAK, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  9. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    Seeing this map just blows my mind away to think of all the things you can do with forge. Play testing this was awesome and most of all a privelage :) Just the whole doing the map in forge is a new idea let alone all the othe unique ideas that were put into this map. You are truley the only one that could of pulled something like this off. Way to go Buddha! You've started a new generation of puzzles!!
  10. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Perfect job with interlocking/ghost merging... or if not ghost merging... then wow, you're epic. It seems a little short compared to Paratroxity, but difficulty makes up for that, right?
  11. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    ok so i think you just put all the objects on spawn no 180 so you cant pick them up.

    then if so you should put in your rules that you may not start a new round right?
    then you still have your honor rule by not starting a new round.
    and honor rules suck.
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Hey, it's out! I can't wait to try it! It even looks clean!
    Wow, props to you, buddha. I really didn't believe you could have done it. I can't wait to start.

    Oh, and I love the save method.. This really is a nice, original, awesome map... just like many of your others.
  13. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    This was more than a little side project. Think months of brainstorming to even make the concept work, then trying to eliminate honour rules, then trying to come up with forge-related challenges. The No-Clip glitch did make things much easier though!

    Haha, good question. No I had a "Back Door" that I placed in the map to allow me to escape after restarting the round. Unfortunately for you guys I removed that back door once I was all finished.

    I imagine it would be the only one you've ever seen, what with this being something no one's done before.

    Paratroxity was a collaborative effort between 6 forgers, and was a regular puzzle map. This was a solo venture created by myself and is something that has never been done before. Originality makes up for its lack of length.

    Yes I did set objects not to spawn at start to make it so you can't pick them up.

    No there isn't an honour rule saying you can't start a new round. Why did I not add that as an honour rule? Why don't you try it out for yourself. As I said, months of planning went into this, I wouldn't fall for a trick so obvious!
  14. Thehate

    Thehate Ancient
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    BuddhaCrane, you never cease to amaze me. Your puzzles are absolutely astounding and you're extremely original. I'm definitely going to have to try this and Paratroxity once I get home from school tomorrow. Thanks for this brand new type of puzzle, keep up the amazing work! :)
    #14 Thehate, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2009
  15. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i need a hint for the room with the turret. completely stuck, i know where i need to go but not how. someone help???
  16. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I know how to solve puzzle 6 ;P. Glad to see this come out, pure genius!
  17. itsmebiff

    itsmebiff Ancient
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    WWOOOHOOO!! Buddhacrane has done it again ladies and gentleman..

    Man who would have thought of doing a puzzle map in forge. and trust me it isnt easy as must of you are thinking. I have only gotten too the 3rd part and i have done all of buddhacranes maps and this is just like something completely new to me. Its just .... i cant even think of words to say. but just totally awesome

    great work you've done it again.
  18. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I think I remember Sporq starting on a Forge Puzzle Map a long time ago, but he never did anything with it. I'll give this a go, you got a dl from me.
  19. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    This is one of the most original maps I have ever seen!!! Great idea buddhacrane, I am really going to enjoy doing a puzzle in forge mode where I am not actually cheating lol. Nice Job. - 10/10

    - Reincarnation
  20. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i think i need a hint for the turret room. please.

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