Forgelook (Wonders of the World Special Edition) Colossus of Rhodes, determinately makes me droll. Both with its detail craving from the feet up to the face, this is one Monster of the see. Like the additional historic point of view on things. I think this one takes my cake. : Halo 3 File Details Church put up a rather well historic wonder that of which enabled him to design something very mixing of cultures. "Mexicanized with Puuc style as well. : Halo 3 File Details Definately a contender in this contest; this Overseeing God Shines from the mountain to bless the little town with a bit of Soccer love. : Halo 3 File Details Seek here Romans for the Colosseum. I enjoyed seeing something from Rome. I know you put tons of little details in the seats but still much left to the eye to see. : Halo 3 File Details Bubonic Plague brings in his own cloud of attention. Stacking 9 levels up. Defiantly a monument to Look up at and not something you would want to walk up with out a jug of water. : Halo 3 File Details JohnieLighting also storms up the place with the Lighthouse of Alexander. Definitely a kick ass Statue of Posiden as well a lurking ship looking for port. : Halo 3 File Details Footballfan tosses in a last minute entry that is amazing in my own eyes. Adds the detail of what we seen with the well comprised pit at the top. : Halo 3 File Details Black Theorem tosses in a compelling entry. The First Taj Mahal. Complexion to meet the eye so fitting for a woman/ wife it was for. Great job Forgers Loved all your entries and it was a good little turn out.
Nice description of all of the maps, although are these all of them? Considering all the time people had to make these i suppose alot of people decided not to. I guesse the winners are pretty obvious at this point...
That would be the 28th. 14th and 28th every month we will publish an edition. This is just a special edition
Yep... it is tentative to Friday more actually. I aim to publish it the 29th because that is the Friday after the 28th. Same goes with the 14th in the different direction... before the 14th. EDIT TO OP... will continue to update as late entries are allowed.
What? GO43r Banned? How could this be. GO43r if your planning to keep this up, someone's gonna have to take your place. Colossus of Rhodes looks stunning. All of these look really good. Its gonna be hard for the judges to deside on the contest. Good Work GO43r. Hope you get another Edition on Sometime.
Yer, talking to him now I will most likely posting the ForgeLook editions unless his ban is overlooked. He will continue to browse forgehub, most likely with other methods of viewing (He's also IP banned) and will be posting it in our google wave waves Forgelook should still be continuing, don't worry