Forgehub's View of Perfection

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by A R C A S I U S, Mar 21, 2013.

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  1. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Hey guys!

    A R C A S I U S here to bring you one of the most amazing maps I have ever created. It supports all game types and is beautifully designed. The stand out factor of this map is that it is so simply designed and there are no aesthetics on it. I repeat, there are NO aesthetics on this map.

    This has the following benefits:
    - None of those pesky aesthetics making the map look real.
    - No unnecessary screen lag
    - As you walk around the map you won't hear any noise from the lines on the walls (This is a big factor that makes the map so perfect).
    - The pieces used are 100% plain white with extremely minor details allowing for the map to be quiet. When you fire your weapon, you won't hear anything due to there not being any texture on the walls.
    - While we're mixing up the senses I thought I'd touch on the overall taste of the map. It has a robust, metallic taste to it, however it tastes rather like burnt wood after the rocket launcher has been fired into the ground.

    About the map

    Basically I started on a blank canvas. Then I surfed around here on forgehub and gathered alot of information about the sorts of maps that people preferred and this is the final product.


    You will notice a very simple design with some versatility in regards to two points of verticality in order to allow for more dynamic game play. Rocket spawns on the bottom level and the shotgun on the bridge. Initially you might think this is unbalanced but remember that height advantage is a big thing in regards to competitive maps.
    My one tiff with the map is its use of a black bridge. Next time I will be sure to use the pink bridges so as not to cause as much contrast with the rest of the map.

    As a general rule of thumb, anything posted here on forgehub that looks remotely like anything in the real world is shot down and disregarded as having framerate issues. This deduction is made simply from a few screen shots which makes a lot of sense if you think about it so I have done my best to make the map as original as possible and unlike anything we see in the real world.

    For example, take a look at this screen shot


    Notice how real the map looks? and take a look at all that noise. Can you feel the taste of those brace larges? Its rather off putting. Who in their right mind creates a map like this?? Clearly nobody likes this map due to comments left on the map thread such as "if it plays as beautifully as it looks then it will undoubtedly be my favourite 2v2 map in Halo 4" and "the aesthetics from the screenshots alone are very impressive. Really nice realization of one of the Halo fanbase's favorite themes. Knowing the consistency of your map design I feel certain it plays well, too."

    Obviously not a favourite among the forgehub community.

    Now compare that to this.


    Such a beautiful, simple design and something to be aspired to I think.

    Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy the map and remember, aesthetics are the devil.
    #1 A R C A S I U S, Mar 21, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
  2. AUS Keanu 15

    AUS Keanu 15 Promethean

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    Now that's what i'm talking about! Beautifully designed good sir! I like how so much thought went into this map in order to make it as quiet as possible. Some people just get too carried away with their creativity and its out right wrong.
  3. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    I have lost all my respect for you. You should probably name this map Smartass.
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