lol wut? i stole someone elses idea...this is news to me but actually i might make this either the top 10 monthly or bi-weekly. It is too much for one week.
Posted 1 day ago. Posted 2 days ago. News my ass. Your video was so ****ing distinctly close to anoj's top ten series, that there is no way you can say you've not been inspired by it, at the least. If you're going to use someone else's idea, it's always admirable to honor them, by giving a mention. By not doing so, you're just a typical douche.
tex, ive never even heard of anoj... and i was thinking about doing this for a smaller forum. Meybe he got it from a different guy.. you never know
i gave credit to where i saw it and who the **** is anoj thank you mr. commonsense NO U! lol thats why im not narrorating any more. wut he said^
Having a similar idea to another project is one thing. Using almost the exact same set up is another. I guess giving credit to is fine, but anoj is the guy who works for machinima to get the top ten series out.
wow, this has become such a big deal. he did a video, and so what? even if the narrating was not so good *cough*horrible*cough* he just made a video, and It's a free country, and it seems to me he really didn't steal it from anybody. now lets go ahead and make the next one!!!!