Everyone knows that GTA4 won GOTY on Spike TV's VideoGame Awards. However, many people at FH have expressed that they feel other games were more deserving. So, I decided to make a thread where people will submit games to be voted on and then maybe in about a week I will post a thread for everyone to vote for Forgehub's GOTY. If there are more than 10 suggestions I will have to narrow down the list. Submissions: 1. Dead Space (X360, PS3, PC) 2. FarCry 2 (X360, PS3, PC) 3. Gears of War 2 (X360) 4. Fallout 3 (X360, PS3, PC) 5. Mirror's Edge (X360, PS3) 6. Left 4 Dead (X360, PC) 7. LittleBigPlanet (PS3) 8. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) 9. Call of Duty: World at War (X360,PS3, X360, Wii, DS, PS2) 10. Fable II (X360) 11. Resistance 2 (PS3) 12. Tom Clancy's EndWar (PS3, X360, PC) 13. Rock Band 2 (X360, PS3, Wii, PS2) 14. Guitar Hero: World Tour (X360, PS3, Wii, PS2) 15. Spore (PC) 16. Crysis Warhead (PC) 17. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (PC) 18. Grand Theft Auto IV (X360, PS3, PC) 19. Midnight Club: Los Angeles (X360, PS3) Update: Well, obviously there are more than 10 submissions. I have people who will help me narrow down the choices into 10 nominees to be voted on. If your suggestion is removed once I post the voting thread, do not whine, as it will not be changed. Update 2: All submissions are final, I will be posting the voting thread soon, and this thread should be locked soon.
I haven't played alot of games this year but here are some ideals: Dead Space - Innovative survival horror with creatures that make the flood look like hello kitty FarCry 2 - Best map maker on consoles, very realistic physics and graphics Gears Of War 2 - From what I played, GREAT campaign and horde but the multiplayer needs some fixing. Saints Row 2 - Best customization on a console, great single player with co-op with great voice acting
Nominee: Fallout 3 This game is a classic. Its not often that developers combine great graphics, compelling story, and pure unadulterated, all in one game. But when they do, its a masterpiece to behold. This masterpiece is Fallout 3. From the second you exit vault 101, you can tell the production value of this game is high. The draw distances are amazing, the characters look model look great, and the atmosphere of the Capital Wasteland is very overwhelming. On a technical standpoint, Fallout 3 is amazing. The gameplay is solid too. V.A.T.S. is amazing and original. Its an all new way to pop domes in video game. To top it all off, the real time shooting isn't half bad either. It's not halo, but it works. Plus, you have a huge arsenal, with guns as normal as a 10mm pistol, all the way up to a 'friggen Mini-Nuke. Yes, a Miniature Nuke. The story is great, and keeps you interested and involved throughout the 30 hour campaign. What i love, is that one action can manipulate the story completely. This makes Fallout 3 have incredible replay value. Right off the bat you are faced with a game changing decision. Not too mention the countless side-quests. Fallout 3 is just an amazing game, its a great break from the run and gun, brainless killing that people today have come so accustomed. DOn't get me wrong, you do kill a lot of people, and i mean a lot, but this game just takes more thought, especially when you are having a conversation with someone. Fallout 3, to me, is not just the best game of the year, it's the best game i have ever played, besides Vampire Rain of course.
pretty good idea, i made something like this a while ago but everyone moaned because gow 2 wasn't out and its not a fair competition, mm ill beak my favourite games this year down and put why. Gears of War 2 Great game play and the story hits harder and bigger than any other game, trust me when i tell you; the campaign blew my mind. If its not the big boss battles, the variety of land and sky, the cut scenes, which may i add, are good but not too long *cough MGS4 cough*. The multi-player needs fixing but overall its a great game, a must. Mirrors edge (haven't played yet) Like stated above, I haven't had a chance to play it but a friend of mine thats completed told me "Its a great game, a little too short but the dlc looks promising and exciting. Its a change to normal first person games, the graphics are amazing, slightly cartoony but the scenery makes you say"Woooow" Overall its a fun game but gets abit repetitive." Left 4 Dead There's not much to say, just zombies, zombies and full of f*cking fun. There isn't much of a story but there doesn't really need to be. The game never gets repetitive, with the next gen Ai director, zombies could come from anywhere, anytime. Its a good time killer, and separates the men from the boys. Teamwork is essential but I've found myself joining a random game and finding good players that become friends. When your not killing zombies your doing the opposite, being the zombies. I;m sure you've asked your self "What would it be like to be a zombie?" and now you can, with online versus you can turn your dream to reality. In my pinion you die to easy but it gives you more satisfactory when your ripping a friends limbs apart. Happy hunting all brilliant games, i would be surprised if any of them won
Well if you think about it, yes the game has like 3 hours of cutscenes, but when added with like 30 hours of gameplay, its a pretty solid ratio. I'll right one up for LbP
Dead Space: Not because Blakem0n posted it, becasue I have the game and think that it's epic win. I've completed the game and I'm on my 2nd playthrough. The game was released (everywhere) on the 21st of October 2008. It was made & published by Electronic Arts (EA) and has to be the best non-multiplayer game I have ever seen. Your on a ship called the USG Ishimura. It's a mining ship. It's the 26th century in the game and you are an engineer called Isaac Clarke. Sent to repair ship communications and meet up with your X-Girlfriend. The crew are all Dead and are turned into monstrous Necromorphs roaming the ship, everywhere. There's 12 chapters in the game and has a prequal to how the ship was attacked by alien life. Dead Space Info
I don't have a write up but i think MGS4 and LbP should be on there, even if this is an xbox forum, gamers can tell a good game from a bad one.
I personaly think 2008 had the most horrible games ever. The only good games were Left 4 Dead. Left 4 Dead is made from the same developers as Portal and it is essentially a zombie apocalypse. there is no story other then 'Shoot those Zombies,' but it works really well as you have to do the level without dying or else you have to restart the level again. The game is the most co-operative game ever. End of. If you try and go out by yourself, you will be killed in seconds as there are many enemies who are impossible to kill by yourself. In fact, the only enemy that's safe to go against by yourself is a regular zombie and even then it has to be in low numbers. The game truely deserves the GotY as it really sets the mood and even has nice messages all over the safe house walls. One of them even parodies an internet forum flame war.
Actaully, the makers of left for dead were the makers of team fortress and from what I remember, they did not make portal. That was grad students from digi penn.
Half Life, Team Forteress 2, Portal and Left 4 Dead are made by the same people. Valve. Also, it's not Left for Dead, it's Left 4 Dead. That's the actual name of it.
hmm to me its down to far cry 2 and left 4 dead id have to say far cry 2 becuase of the most advanced map editor ever
Oh yeah for PS3 I was playing Resistance 2 at my neighbor's, there was a match going 64 player and there was no lag it was intense, it's enough to make me go buy a PS3 with God of War 3 coming out too.
Oops, Forgot the 4, I was rushing. I always forget that though. The students that made portal are apart of valve or did they give the game to valve so they could modify it and make it better?
When did CoD5 come out, because World at War came out recentley. I guess they just crank games out a lot faster than they used to. And Endwar ?! WHo plays that game?!