For all things fashion. Talk about what you wear, what you want to wear, brands you like and dislike, etc. Let's keep FH stylish!
I'm no fashion model myself, but I'm not foolish enough to take tips from a bunch of Forge nerds. I bet half of you don't even wear pants.
I'd have to agree with you there. Urban Outfitters is the same way. The problem is when I go to either of those places I only find about 1 or 2 things I like.
LOL way to generalize, hypocrite. Take your idiocy outside of this thread, we're talking fashion, friendo. I usually like PacSun's jeans, not much a fan of anything else there. Ehhhh... Urban Outfitters... What I like about H&M is how they update their selection for each season, every item is new. My favorite stuff is always around the Winter season, really good stuff for layering. And scarfs are ****ing awesome.
I like to wear goofy t-shirts like coco puffs, Gumby, or Play Dough because it's different. and I wear Aeropostale Jeans. I don't know why, but they are the only jeans I buy. When I'm home I'll always be sporting baller shorts. inb4 HPM
I don't have a set fashion that I usually stick to. Most of the time you'll see me wearing jeans, a t-shirt and some kind of other clothing to keep me warm in the colder seasons. Two of my fav shirts are Transformers stuff, one having the Decepticon symbol, the other Shockwave from G1. This exact image, except a little more washed out.
^ Haha lol. I like brands like PacSun, Tilly's, Vans, etc. I live in California and those are one of my main places to go.
My style is pretty simple, like any other teenager. I wear raw denim slim/skinny (not skin tight, just skinny) jeans, t-shirts/v-necks (usually plain or a simple pattern), and a dark hoody or jacket. My shoes vary. I have everything from supras to oxfords. Both of which are the extremes in my closet. I usually just wear a pair of Nikes, Vans, boat shoes or flip flops. My style is very plain imo. lol