I don't think this has been done before so here i go. This is a thread to show people what your top scores, kill count and rounds survived are in **** zombies. All you have to do is leave a message saying what your score (etc) is and what map on **** zombies and if its high enothe i will add it to the top 10. Also fell free to disguise how you did so well with others. Please don't post if you used glitches to get your score (etc). Natch der Untoten Kills 1) a dying animal: 232 2) spazmonkey92: 153 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) High Score 1) a dying animal: 23,000 2) spazmonkey92: 19,830 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Rounds Survived 1) STWOW: 45 2) SRC48: 31 3) berkgina: 21 4) a dying animal: 18 5) halo kid: Round 17 6) spazmonkey92: 16 7) 8) 9) 10) Zombie Verruckt Kills 1) spazmonkey92: 680 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) High Score 1) spazmoney92: 94,370 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Rounds Survived 1) SRC48: 27 1) STWOW: 27 2) spazmonkey92: 25 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Shi No Numa Kills 1) spazmonkey92: 452 2) a dying animal: 387 3) Xx Pr0 F0rge xX: 231 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) High Score 1) burkgina: 76,000 2) spazmonkey92: 69,880 3) a dying animal: 37,440 4) Xx Pr0 F0rge xX: 31,550 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Rounds Survived 1) burkgina: 24 2) spazmonkey92: 23 3) SRC48: 21 4) a dying animal: 20 4) Xx Pr0 F0rge xX: 20 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Der Riese Kills 1) HunTedMeat: 1672 2) spazmonkey92: 1609 3) a dying animal: 1231 4) Xx Pr0 F0rge xX: 1217 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) High Score 1) Xx Pr0 F0rge xX: 208,910 2) HunTedMeat: 162,000 3) spazmonkey92: 105,740 4) a dying animal: 105,500 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Rounds Survived 1) XxSpix: 250 2) HunTedMeat: 33 3) Xx Pr0 F0rge xX: 31 4) SRC48: 30 5) burkgina: 29 5) a spazmonkey92: 29 6) dying animal: 26 7) 8) 9) 10)
dont right in white,its hard to read for oldschool viewers. as for my score,Ive made it to wave 17 on the first one.
Natch der Untoten Kills High Score Rounds Survived 21 Zombie Verruckt Kills High Score Rounds Survived Shi No Numa Kills High Score 76,000 Rounds Survived 24 Der Riese Kills High Score Rounds Survived 29 when i go on cod next ill update this so check in 2moro
Natch der Untoten Kills 153 High Score 19830 Rounds Survived 16 Zombie Verruckt Kills 680 High Score 94370 Rounds Survived 25 Shi No Numa Kills 452 High Score 69880 Rounds Survived 23 Der Riese Kills 1609 High Score 105,740 Rounds Survived 29 and berk you lie, check your scores
Natch der Untoten Rounds Survived 31 Zombie Verruckt Rounds Survived 27 I believe Shi No Numa Rounds Survived 21 Der Riese Rounds Survived 30 I don't really care to post scores and stuff.
Shi No Numa Rounds Survived 20, but host quit right as all of us died and screwed up the stats. High Score 31550 Kills 231 Der Riese Rounds Survived 31 High Score 208910 (As of now, 5225 on the Global Leaderboards) Kills 1217 Other stuff is not worth posting.
got 54 on der Untoten, and only 27 on Veruckt >.< I havn't played in a while or downloaded the 2 new ones yet