ForgeHub Update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Sep 7, 2022.

By SIR IRON WOLF on Sep 7, 2022 at 10:49 PM

    SIR IRON WOLF A Floating Lightbulb
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hello everyone! It has been a while since we had one of these updates hasn’t it , but a lot has happened even during this lull between forges.

    New Faces On Staff

    Over the past couple of weeks, we have shifted around staff and said goodbye to one. Nitro decided to step down as one of our admins to focus more on his personal life. We wish him the best of luck and we will see him around when Infinite Forge drops in November.

    We welcome aboard a few new people to the team that we are happy to announce for those that haven’t seen already.

    Captain Punch joined our team a few weeks ago to help create content and improve our wiki. That wasn’t enough though, with Nitro leaving we decided that we needed to fill that slot. With Captain Punch’s background with the Scripters Guild, his involvement in the community, and his personal background we decided to offer him the spot as our new admin. We aren’t sure why he said yes, but we decided to run with it and put him to work immediately.

    Another familiar face to the community joined our team and that is ArturBloodshot. He joins our team as a community manager. Artur has been a big and positive influence in the community and constantly engaging. With him being a core member of the ForgeHub community we couldn’t think of any better position for him.

    Also joining our Community Team is JoValiant. You have seen him around as one of our mods in the discord and I’m sure you have seen him in some of the other servers like The Foundry and The Scripters Guild. Jo has shown himself to be a pillar of the community and an active one at that so we thought he would make a great addition to the team.

    Last but certainly not least, Kwatzy joined our ranks to assist with the production of guides, tutorials, and the wiki. You may know him for his website Cylix Guide which is a Halo Infinite API Explorer that also has a great nodegraph drafting tool. He also has a spline system that will see much use for modes like Payload and Roaming king.

    Updates to Discord

    If you are in our discord server, you might have noticed that it has gone through a face lift. Captain Punch spent a lot of time updating and reorganizing the discord to be more friendly for you, the user. We have also implemented some bots to help smooth things along. If you have additional suggestions for the discord, then feel free to post your ideas in our Suggestions channel.

    What’s to Come

    We have a few things brewing behind the scenes that will soon be revealed. In the meantime, we can give a little insight into what we have planned as we ramp up for Forge in November.

    Firstly, with the additional staff we are planning to produce more content and set a plan for us to push out a bunch of content when Forge drops. One of the reasons we added Artur and Jo to our community team is to help fill the gap by promoting and showcasing those that are still building away, waiting for November. Expect to see our social platforms more active and engaging.

    With the addition of Artur to the team and his strong connection in the Spanish speaking community, we are expanding our efforts to reach more in that community so they can call ForgeHub home. The first part of these efforts is the addition of a Spanish only Channel in our discord and the translation of our social media into Spanish. We have more planned for this and we hope everyone welcomes these changes as it helps build our community.

    Con la incorporación de Artur al equipo y su fuerte conexión con la comunidad hispanohablante, estamos ampliando nuestros esfuerzos para llegar a más personas de esa comunidad y así puedan llamar a ForgeHub su hogar. La primera parte de estos esfuerzos es la adición de un canal sólo en idioma español en nuestro Discord y la traducción al español de nuestras redes sociales. Tenemos más planes para esta inclusión y esperamos que todos acojan estos cambios ya que ayudan a construir nuestra comunidad.

    When forge releases its beta, we will also be having a contest prepped and ready to release a couple weeks after launch day. As tradition we won’t reveal what the contest will be until that announcement article, there is also a few other things we are trying to nail down that will help make this a great start to a long list of contests we have planned.

    We are also planning something big that we are excited to announce but aren’t ready just yet. Soon though, soon.

    #1 SIR IRON WOLF, Sep 7, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Sep 7, 2022.

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