NEVERMIND I FEEL SO STUPID YOU CAN CHANGE IT BACK LOCK THREAD PLEASE Everyone I have started this thread for everyone who thinks the new update has ruined forgehub. I personally think it did, i think they should of not made the background black like every other Halo websight. Its all screwed up now. Just leave a comment on how you think the update did. I am not trying to be mean to the people who updated it, but i just think it made it bad. No need the lock this thread, it is for you own good forgehub.
I don't. I don't think a background change screws up a website. I think you are just worrying too much.
actually i think it looks good. you can change the skin back, so don't complain. and lionheart did a hell of a lot of work. so i wouldn't dare say "ruined" or "bad". and since you don't have to stay with the current skin, its no problem.
1) Go to the bottom as stated above and change it 2) I am sorry, but I see this over and over, time and time again. A forum gets a new layout, and immediately members start bitching, because they want to act all "oldschool" and "true to what their forum stood for" but honestly. Do you really hate it that much? Or are you just complaining because you think it will make you look like a cooler, original member. my 2 cents.
Are you dumb? This one is so generic and looks bad too. Someone delete you! Anyway, different opinions. I personally think the new skin is horrendous.