Stuff... Hi... Pie ERM... if they did have a playlist for Forghub that would be great.... but I doubt they will. Like I don't understand why Forgehub haven't been able to choose Bungie Faves yet:squirrel_evil:!
This would be awesome, and obviously, it wouldn't be Forgehub only, a few people keep typing: "....(spam).... Forgehub Playlist." That's Wrong. I agree with the guy above me about Bungie Favorites though, HaloTracks have gotten it twice at least. (off-topic)
FH has chosen Bungie Faves before, the two that come to mind that were on the faves were Sniper pit and Albatross Hill or Splatter Hill.
I wonder if Bungie will make a playlist like this, only with Racetracks. That would include Racetracks from FH and the Racetracks Group.
I was getting information from Frankie regarding it, but he's gone now and Lukems has a bad habit of not replying to email. We haven't submitted our list yet.
I would think that they would only put in maps/gametypes that dont require honor rules. That means that you wont see alot or any of our minigames on their. Youll see specficallly the competitive maps and such.
That would possibly be one of the most awesome things ever... Just imagine a game on kentucky tango and then a game on gridlocked and after that maybe some ctf on jedwali? It's all up to shishka though... Come ON SHISHKA!
they hade or best of summer forge thing announced on bungie, I wouldn't see why we don't get a playlist
Necroposting aside(wavydave ) i think i can honestly say if FH did get a playlist all to themselves im positive i'd never leave it