ForgeHub Humpday

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by KB, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really want to start some kind of thing like FNF for non-colors. I don't know where this thread would go so I posted it here... But anyways, I would like to propose to all members, weekly 3-5 game tournament between two teams on maps that were made by ForgeHub members and other non-ForgeHub members that are also excellent. If you are interested in this idea, please use this form to sign-up:

    FH Username:
    XBL Gamertag:
    Time you think will be best for you (in EST which is GMT -5)
    Are you interested for reporting these events every once in a while:

    I will write up articles and threads about these humpdays and include pictures and all as well. My goal is to get several teams that can cycle through these. This will be somewhat of map testing but also just a good way for FH members to get to know each other better. Volunteers are also going to be needed to take some pictures, help me organize the events and get teams together. Please include in your post if there is anything you are interested in doing. I hope you guys approve on this idea because I think this is going to be awesome.

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