Hey guys, this guild is to help people make maps. Please be sure to Ask members of this guild to Help. I'll be on daily to help also. So far one of my Maps have been added to Halo 3's Love Wolfs. Called Anvil it was recently build and set out Three days ago and premeired (sorry for spelling wrong) a day ago. I'm looking for Remembers with the Requirments 1.Halo 3 Herioc Map Package + 2.Able to be on Halo 3 Specific Time. 3.Able to Fuse(Fusion) Objects 4.Save Quit. 5.Restart new round. Total members so far. 1.000ProMLG000 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Just to inform you all this guild just started 10/2/08 (October 2, 2008) So post Xbox 360 Gamertags Below and information about it. Oh, and also if you have the time Post pictures of Recent maps you made (Not Required) So Thankyou.
Pwnt. Period. Nah... But ya... This whole website is about Forging, we don't really need a forging-guild inside an already forging community. I mean, if people need help they just ask for it and members will volunteer, we don't really need a list of people that could help. That would just encourage spam for those volunteers, whereas they can instead just offer their services to those who need (ask for) it. Plus plenty of people can just use the FAQ and Forging 101 sections to learn how to Forge. Someone teaching you isn't very fun, and usually doesn't work (in my experience) Anvil is about on par with default Foundry so... You can figure that one out.
This is the guy who made Anvil? Does anyone have proof of that? And to make the requirements to join his group the ability to use forging techniques detailed elsewhere on the site, yet none are used on "his" map Anvil? This is fishy imo.
Lolz he r lie. Bungie most likely made it and yea it sucks like bungie's custom maps. If he did make it, that map is horribile. Dun lie.
What the heck i guess ill be in this and i kbow how to merge and i have and know how to do all the other requierments. contact me on my GT: AcTiViZiOn
Anvil is actually pretty old, and not your map. Nice try. You might want to try stealing a good map next time too.
I don't know if i quite understand your idea...please elaborate. Oh, and also, like others have said, even though I'm pretty sure its not your map, please feel free to actually choose a map that you can be proud of. Anvil has to one of Bungie's biggest mistakes.