Two wrongs don't make a right... right? So if Sdrak -repped Zander and Zander -repped Sdrak, does that come to a null? And anyways, ripping on people and calling them names is worse than the original arguement. Next time Th Kn1ght, I suggest you say something nice, or don't say anything at all. The last thing people want in a argument is more people flaming others...
I neg repped him because he said some untrue things about me, including that I Still, its rep abuse in the book, -repping me back, clearly saying in his message, "i only repped you because you did it to me!!!" here if you want to see...he even - repped me on ANOTHER thread...not this one, obviously.... directly shown that he - repped me ONLY for the reason of doing so.... tyvm, case cleared, please post smart, or dont post at all, (directed to Th Kn1ght) Guys, I hope people realize that I'm not leaving, haha I posted a link on h3a, saying take a look, you guys are mentioned, and they said it was a suicide note, and one person said to leave like a good guy, not like those other douchebags.....hint hint...lmao
Lets just have the mods take care of it. They are there for a reason. Anyways, back to normal conversation? Everyone can drop the flame throwers?
Everything has been taken care of. Zander has been infracted, and I will lift the infraction in a few days to a week (depends on my mood and Zander's behavior). As for sdrakulich, please pay more attention to what posts read. You repped for a bad reason, but that doesn't mean Zander has the right to return the favor.
Crap. I'm in a load now. Phew... Ok. First of all, I want to say that that had been building up for about three months now. I know it's unhealthy to hold a grudge, or let things escalate to writing a post that could even potentially get me warned, but dammit i was mad. I'm not going to fill you in with all those picky details that made me so mad at sdrakulich before this because then it'd just seem like I'm trying to further insult him. I'm not. I was just very angry and did not handle the situation in the most mature way. Instead I thought to myself, ok, i'm pissed, and maybe I should share with the rest of the community why I am pissed. In response for my actions, the community gave me a slap on my wrist, which is totally understandable, because they are neither me. nor a judge that is going to understand my grief, or really care how pissed I am whatsoever. Even if, I had a pretty good reason to be pissed. I'm not mad about the results. I still stand by what I said in my first comment. In my original comment I DIDN'T say that he still spams, but I said that it looks like he is trying to say he spammed. He gave me negative rep for saying that it looked like he is trying to say he spammed with a comment saying that he does not do that anymore. His rep was not enough to really effect my rep, but enought to piss me off as you can see. By giving me negative rep for implying that he was implying he spammed, I took it as a way of him saying he didn't spam which I basically thought he told me he did as a fact 5 seconds earlier while reading the thread. I also believed he did spam personally, making the comment even more irritating. Nevertheless, I could have avoided the whole situation, or even pulled out after being given negative rep, but once I start to ramble on about what I THINK, I go all the way to the end, even after somebody tells me they don't like what I THINK. I am sorry for bringing out my anger in front of the community, especially considerering you have no idea about the incidents that have happend between me and sdrakulich over these past three months. I am sorry sdrakulich, for kind of ruining your shine by bringing forth the idea that you spammed. I am sorry I gave you negative rep back, and I am sorry to have ever went onto this thread knowing that I did not like the idea of you having that many posts or talking about the history of FH in the first place. I am sorry ForgeHub. Some quotes I got in my rep that I am responding to. " nice, but no, like i said, I remember spamming, and thats not the case for me anymore...." Did i ever say it still was? You just confirmed my post, so why did you give neg rep? You even posted it again here saying that I said you still spam when I didn't. "I thought you would be mature about this, but it seems you are immature and cant handle what seems to be as a -rep, If you deserved it then deal with it, if not then it was his bad and you should have reported it, not attack back." You're absolutely right. I was immature about it because I was too mad to see that maybe just sharing with everybody else wasn't the best idea. However, I am not, was not, and never will never be concerned about my rep. I was mad about the whole idea of a person that i did not like, and felt was trying to make himself look powerful, try to make himself look powerful to me. "hat was rude, and you are simply a rude person. Next time you post, it better be with good senses." It was, but I am not. I make biscuits for the elderly every Sunday . That was anger, not rudness, and I will. Now please, somebody just say something like "dun wury, itz gun be k" because if you are gonna do it any time, now would be it. I really don't want to post again on this thread, or ever have to make an apology, or a speech like that again.
well now... i would think you would throw me in. but anyways ive been thinking about what i will write for mine.. someday probably towards christmas when i have more time. anyways that was a good read. i didnt reallly notice you as a certain type of poster, actually just as a cool person i saw around (that avatar)... good job you
Congratulations. Very well written post which depicts good and bad times here at forgehub. Hope to see you around.