Wow dude very nice and glad to have been, and well yea still be your friend, and lol abou the wasnt annoying, i get that alot haha but yea i dont remember a single time you had annoyed me and im glad to say that YOU ARE THE MAN
why are u never on anymore u should of gone more indept with the forging senses and given me a shoutout
WTF? Me no on list? What's that about sdraky? I thought you said you loved me with your whole heart and stuff. I dun likes u no moars.
the point of the thread was to be focused on ForgeHub, and my phases in it lmao the link in your sig is outdated to FS haha
God damn it! I helped you a lot by not spamming your profile!!!!!!!!! I also helped you by not getting to know you, damn it.
Nice to see a good long post from you drak. Very interesting read. It's good to know that you love the site. Hope you stay for a long time.
awww this was really rather sweet ='] haha i dont think ive seen a thread like this, really nice man. original, and heartfelt too i bet every name you listed just got all fuzzy inside, even if they dont want to admit it ;]
NEW VIDEO IS OUT -------------------------------------- yep, I did...(shh, dont tell anyone, but me too, me too....) yep, yes I DID get you too haha! I did? *runs to take the biggest mistake in that thread out* lmao jk dude yes I did, you deserved it, like everyone else on that list... yes you are you bastard
Nice read. However, much of that does not reflect well on your time being here compared to your posts. It's like you are saying you spammed.
I did the same thing when I got 1000 lol. But no seriously, this is better than mine. I should make a new one soon.
Wow you gave me negative rep. Congratulations, you have finally managed to reach the final stage of the spamming lowlife who thinks he has power sdrakulich. If you notice in my post it obviously says "spammed". Not ZOMG you spam! My post was accurate to what you said in the thread; you did spam very frequently, and have been here for what 4 months? You honestly think it's normal to have that many posts in that amount of time? You're not one of the colors, nor will you ever be one. You have no power, but instead MANY people who do not like you because of this. You make a thread of all the cool events (with a stupid rick roll video) of forgehub like you are some guy who everyone respects and has been here for ever. Really, you just decided to walk into the door one day and say "hey, i'm gonna spam to get 1500 posts and feel like i'm worth something". Noone that is anybody here thinks that you are one of "them" like you hope to be. It sickens me that people like you even exist on this site. I'm done. Crawl back into your hole and make those maps that you say you were bored and lazy when you made it, just because it sucks. Get warned for spamming AGAIN. Go talk to that guy who was going to help you get a 50 for winning a stupid contest. I know what you've been doing. Mostly everybody does.
Wow dude your a douche (sdrakulich). That was absolutely retarded and uncalled for. Wow you are probably one of the biggest little rep whors on this site, as well as a spammer and an absolute douche. Grow up.
Zander decided to neg-rep sdrakulich back. Poor choice on Zander's part, even if sdrakulich read the post wrong. Zander could have easily talked it out with sdrakulich, but decided to make a bad move. Zander1994 has been infracted for rep abuse.