Hard to find a good ammount of people willing to test your maps? Your custom lobbies filling up with annoying, screaming, prepubescent children who don't take map testing seriously? You have come to the right place. WHATS THIS GUY ON ABOUT? Forgehub Customs is gamertag, similar to that of ReachCustoms that lets people join the list and be able to see everyone else who is on the list. This then allows you invite people to your game and hopefully get enough people to play customs/test maps with. The difference between FHcustoms and ReachCustoms is that the FHcustoms list will only contain people from forgehub. Hopefully in a few days there will be enough people on the list for you to get good testing sessions in. HOW CAN THIS HELP ME, IM TOO AWESOME ALREADY? If you need something tested within a few minutes and don't want to have to wait for the testers guild to do their thing, you will be able to by inviting fellow member from this list. It is also a way to meet others from Forgehub and get even more tips and tricks from members first hand. HOW CAN I JOIN THIS EPIC THING? Simply send a friend request to: zFHcustoms And wait for a response. I will periodically check and respond to the friend requests and make sure they are people from forgehub. It would also help if you add a message with your friend request telling me your forgehub name.
That's pretty epic. I'll be all friend-requesting this soon. Crypt, you may not want to add certain people. I mean, if there's somebody who doesn't make 'ace' maps because they are new to Forge Hub or whatever then people might not enjoy playing their maps. And considering you only have 100 spaces. :/ Coincidently these are the type of people who need to test their maps but you know.. I was Js.
You just select zFHcustoms from your friends list, go across to the next tab and select view friends. Also maybe its because you were the only one on it, Im on it now so it should work.
Have you ever considered making another Forgehub Customs gamertag, and then adding it to the original's friends list? Potentialy, you could have thousands of free spaces for people to join.
This has been done before, primarily in the Testers Guild. Honestly though, they never actually seem to help. It makes me mad when I invite people off of these lists and they don't actually join. Even if they're in the same game. I say you can't join unless you're committed, and will join at least 75% of invites, especially if they come with a "FH list invite" message. Anyway, I'll join
Added. I have a map that could use some testing just to make sure it plays fine without any problems. I'd also like to play some more customs with the people of FH. Seeing as I only talk to like 2 people on a regular basis.
I guess I'll add this. I admit though, I see this going as well as most of the other attempts of its kind; terribly.
DONT BE NEGATIVE. I hope this can be helpful. Maybe not for me because of my time zone (australia) but for others in Europe/America/Not Australia it could be helpful.
I love the way you say "not Australia" as if that was a specific time zone. If you are in one of these tests, feel free to invite me and I will come. Unless I am in a party already, of course.
Its not a test, its list that people can access at any time to invite people from forgehub to their testing sessions/custom games. Also GO ONLINE NOW! Im all alone.
This is a very good idea and deserves more attention, and more people on the list. I say this be stickied.
This is actually working! I was helping trivialprodigy test his map and we needed some extra people, so I invited some people from the list and THEY ACTUALLY JOINED!