I have started making montages and i thought it would be cool to have a forgehub community montage. Not only would it be fun to make it would also put forgehubs name out there in more places. i have a cool idea for the intro and the rest of the montage so i need 8-10 people to be in it. each person would be introduced and i would put a link to said persons forgehub page in the description of the youtube video. If your interested then reply or send me a message with your gt and we will talk more. Note: Getting good capture card in the next two weeks so not a problem if your clips are stuck on your xbox.
I'd love to, but is this based on gameplay clips, or maps? If it's gameplay clips, I'll happily give it a go.
gameplay clips, its a normal montage but with forgehub members. just thought it would attract a different halo audience into forgehub that may have never heard of it.
The last thing we want is more newbies. jk, but I think if we really want to attract new members, we need to make another series of Forgehub video tutorials for Reach, its a little late in the game though.
Yea theres not much left to be taught that's not already out there. Neoshadow, how many clips do u have? And I have decided to have eight people in the montage and its first come first serve on who gets in.
Good sprees are nice but I really want showcase the sick kills, I don't want too many single kills but some would be acceptable. Perfect scenario would be sick kills inside of a overkill or something.
I've got a few interesting single kills, some Exterminations and other various interesting moments on my HDD somewhere, if you're interested. If you are let me know and I'll drop them into my Fileshare until you've downloaded them.
Xun, put them up and I will dl them after class today. I will watch them and if I gonna use them ill tell you. Also for the intro you need to be willing to play a couple slayer matches with the rest of the people in the montage when it comes that time, we will vote on what map to play on again mcds it comes time to do that, this goes for everyone who wants to be in montage.
I suck at everything but Snipers and SWAT, so it'd better be either of those. I'll let you know when I've got the clips in my Fileshare.
Since we are a forge community, do you plan to have most of these be on maps from the site? I may be able to save some clips from TGIF and testing sessions. How much experience do you have with making videos in Halo?
pyro6666, as for the maps, yes i think it would be cool to feature some maps from the sight. i could aslo show the name of the map in the bottom corner of the video. and as for the experience i only have about a month of halo editing experience. have editing other videos for a while though.
i feel if i comment on the fyi; call me oil, i will be put on your signiture so im just gonna say its fine. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Only have two out of eight people needed for the montage, need some people...
I'd start by reviewing clips as soon as you get them, then considering the angles etc you will use to take them.