This thread will act as an archive of ForgeHub's community maps. It will be continuously updated to maximize its quality as a resource. The archive is order alphabetically by the authors' names. Under each name, is a link to each map created by that person. If you are interested in your maps being entered into the archive, post the needed information here. In order for this to be successful and a great resource, the community will need to support this by adding your own maps. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or complaints, you can contact me via private message. In order to get you map in this, use the correct format shown below. Code: [noparse] [b][size=2][color=red]your name[/color][/size][/b] [b][size=1][url=link to first map thread]first map name[/url][/size][/b] [b][size=1][url=link to second map thread]second map name[/url][/size][/b] [b][size=1][url=link to third map thread]third map name[/url][/size][/b] [/noparse] Archive Index [jumpto=UL]Update Log[/jumpto] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Click on a letter to be taken to the corresponding letter in the archive. [jumpto=a]A[/jumpto] [jumpto=b]B[/jumpto] [jumpto=c]C[/jumpto] [jumpto=d]D[/jumpto] [jumpto=e]E[/jumpto] [jumpto=f]F[/jumpto] [jumpto=g]G[/jumpto] [jumpto=h]H[/jumpto] [jumpto=i]I[/jumpto] [jumpto=j]J[/jumpto] [jumpto=k]K[/jumpto] [jumpto=l]L[/jumpto] [jumpto=m]M[/jumpto] [jumpto=n]N[/jumpto] [jumpto=o]O[/jumpto] [jumpto=p]P[/jumpto] [jumpto=q]Q[/jumpto] [jumpto=r]R[/jumpto] [jumpto=s]S[/jumpto] [jumpto=t]T[/jumpto] [jumpto=u]U[/jumpto] [jumpto=v]V[/jumpto] [jumpto=w]W[/jumpto] [jumpto=x]X[/jumpto] [jumpto=y]Y[/jumpto] [jumpto=z]Z[/jumpto] [jumpto=#]#[/jumpto] Archive [aname=a]A[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] AceOfSpades0707 Archaic Traumatized Adelyss Collision Crescendo v2 Mythos Multifarious Tremors n Rats YouTube - Adelyss & Goatnads Rube Goldberg Submission Agamer93 Todem AK Gumby 907 Kurvraque V2 AlkalineProdigy Pacman AmercanPsycho Doubled Avense Maverick American10 Temple of Atlas Asper49 Porcelain Pony Reactor Core Side Longest The Cellars The Estate The Labyrinth The Last Level AZN FTW Azkaban AZN Cottage Map Pack 1 Side Longest The Cellars The Estate The Labyrinth The Platform Training Ground [aname=b]B[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] BadassNinja84 Metalock Baron Omni BattyMan Arctic Horror Com Tower Flying Saucers Benji4611 Apathetic Continuity Phenotype BlazeIsGod Bayonetwork Martydom Bl00D F1R3 Eviscerate Purple Bunker Ramparts The Underbog Buddhacrane Distortion Re On Carnation BurnieBurns Grifball [aname=c]C[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Camofluag Framework v2 Sewage lines v2 Chipsinabox Sapphire chrstphrbrnnn Cunduction Manifest Coolant93 Hooverville Pelican Pi Pirate Ship Scarab Assault TX2A Heavy Assault Mech Vents Cosmic Rick Elation Electric Slide Jenga Tower Kentucky Tango Lilly Pads Pallet Parade Recalcitrance Teamwerks Arena Utah Mambo CovenantEliete07 E.L.I.T.E FFG-666 "The End of All Things" Creep1ng De4th Constrictor Detached Destruction Derby Dr.Spy Echo v2 Tremor Blast Tunnel of Light Verbatim CR0553D MLG Phylum [aname=d]D[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] DeathToll77 Pennyless Wishbone Debo37 Interrobang Ire of Fire Denvinish Moon Waffle UNSC Range dmiller360 Pacman DomiBoy Breakneck Doog Nit Antiquity Doognitized Draw the Line End of the Line Gridlocked Slate Creek [aname=e]E[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Eguitarplaya33 Quadrivium sanskrit v3 Ell3ment E's Duck Hunt 3 Monster Jam 3 Avalanche Extreme 96 Poison Ivy V2 Eyeless Sid Master Hand [aname=f]F[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Felipe dos Eight Emerald Legs The Ire of Fire FrenchFryDreads Gundam Shenlong Dragon Fritzster Regicide Frogsmoker Cabin Fever FrongDong Colossus Engaged Furious D 18Faction Sniper Tundra Solaris Unchained Yukon Canyon [aname=g]G[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] GD27BlueDevil High Voltage Glimflicker Bungie 500 Goatnuts420 Fat Rats v2 Interrutore Gravedigger5454 Fire Lane Ghostbusters Pillar of Death Shockwave GunnerGrunt Of The Essence Grif Snow Mice [aname=h]H[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] hselaisse BM Church BM Church V2 BM Paint XBO Town Square XBO Tiers XBO Signature [aname=i]I[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Insane54 Cave Freaks (Fave Creeks) Duel of the Fates Hangar 02 MLG Requiem iTs_NeXn Chill Out! v3 Lock Down Xyience Iv0ry Snak3 Cenotaph Credence Crescent Delerium Deviation Fractured Kashmir Pulse Xyience I Cottage I An Open Fire Albatross Area 52 AZN Cottage Map Pack 1 The Crossing The Swings [aname=j]J[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] James Fantastic Antlion Defense J A Y Transformer Project 2 Jbarron402 Whiplash JustcallmeDrago Chasm [aname=k]K[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Ki Jason Overflow Kon Artist Conflict MLG Impact Phoenix KR0NIC SM0KE Lockdown [aname=l]L[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Ladnil Somniphobia LIGHTSOUT225 Coldfront Heatwave Machu Picchu Verbatim Lintendo64 Intersection Linubidix Heros Boulevard Pankration Remedy Squared Circle LoK x ChAoS x Obliterated [aname=m]M[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Mace BladeWorks Mags89 EMP Millennium Falcon makisupa007 Attic Axilla Camelot Chalice Coventry Endor Rift Venom Mallet Empire Gradient The Battle of Somme Masta Blastr Sky Pyramid Master Debayter Construction Site Alpha The Last Day Water Temple We'll survive on this arena. Matty Aeron Aperture Epicenter Reflex Terminal Mastar TapestryTremor N' Mouse Zipline MDK x2002x Pacman Methic Ghost Town [aname=n]N[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] NeverlessWonder Amalgam Cyclopean Troika N1NJ4 Odeum [aname=o]O[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Orangeremi Eclipse Urban oriol003 Boarding Action [aname=p]P[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Paulie Walnuttz Metro Whats A Walnut Pegasi Delta AstroTurf Clive Temple Nights Phreakie Collision Hysteria Sanghelios PhilthyPhillup Chasm pmp nmd slkbk Drawbridge PonyD Spartan Highway Submission Predicide Amphibious Threat Socratic Method Pun15h3rGateway [aname=q]Q[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] [aname=r]R[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Runninh Chron Code Red v2 Indiana Wine Pest Control Porcelain Pony rusty eagle Barrel Blaster Convoy Tunnel Grindstone Porcelain Pony Sewers Terminal The Cellars The Estate [aname=s]S[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] SargeantSarcasm Lost Chamber TNT Polo sendernode Different Level MM edition Sergeant CJ Boarding Action SG Victory Transformer Project 2 ShaddoBlade Back Burner Shad0w Viper Eclipse Grindstone Project S Project X Project Z Shock Theta Aqueduct Ball Pit Control Room H3 Foundation Sewers Slanted Spire The Citadel The Chute 7th Avenue Sik Bart's Manor Sir Toppum Hat1 MLG Requiem Temple of Atlas Slayer III Transformer Project 2 Solo Exodus Medicom Stockade Syndicate Speed-e-cake Plunder Satellite Mice The Behemoth Spirit798 Pledge of Blood Sandhobo squidhands Arrowhead Avarice Concussion Crooked Crown Harmony Radius Vitruvian Squork Rock Wall Transportation Stolenpoo Overflow stouf761 Shift SuperFeiGn Hype [aname=t]T[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] TDH Paragon Renegade Tex Project S Project X Project Z TexturedSun Sub-Station B thesilencebroken Bayonetwork Redeemer Vertabraille the whyher Industries The Yavimayan Albatross Cat N' Mouse Cell Block 71 Cerastes Convoy Tunnel Depot Hobo Heights Lost Woods No Man's Land Open Field Sumo! The Cellars Tremor Valley Turner Pasture 7th Avenue The Yellow Jedwali Ribcage v3 Titmar Banana Franklin Lucifugous The Cellars The Labyrinth Trilobyte Toxic Spade Castlanche Transactionzero MLG Encephal Trickmyster Hooverville Ship Wrecked StickBall Storm the Beach Tremor Valley TrueDarkFusion Albatross Bottleneck Cat N' Mouse Cell Block 71 Compound 42B Convoy Tunnel Crash Depot Hobo Heights Holding Cell Lost Woods No Man's Land Open Field Pi Sumo! Tremor Valley Turner Pasture Urban Apartment Vertigo 7th Avenue TwoSaltyNuts Tunnel Rats 1, 2 & 3 [aname=u]U[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Undisputed Hawk Transformer Project 2 [aname=v]V[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Val Landing Pad POA Bridge [aname=w]W[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Wet Beaver Duck Hunt What's A Scope? Whats A Walnut W33k3ndWarrior Tie Hangar v2 [aname=x]X[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] xAoTx diffuse Tunnel Raid 2.0 xX5W33ny70ddXx Manifest X DREAM 76 X The Singularity Quasar [aname=y]Y[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] [aname=z]Z[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] Zombievillan Aerialis Ephasus Wishbone [aname=#]#[/aname] [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto] [aname=UL]Update Log:[/aname] v. - (5/25/09) - Added AceOfSpades0707 v. - (5/23/09) - Corrected Errors ; Added Spirit798 v. - (5/23/09) - Corrected Errors ; Added Solo ; Update speed-e cake ; Update Sir Toppum Hat1 Spoiler v. - (5/20/09) - Updated Pegasi Delta ; New Template by Ladnil v. - (5/20/09) - Added makisupa07 v. - (5/19/09) - Updated Insane54 ; Corrected Spelling Error v. - (5/19/09) - Added Transactiozero ; Updated Paule Walnuttz v. - (5/19/09) - Updated Titmar v. - (5/18/09) - Updates v. - (5/18/09) - Corrected Errors and Alphabetized All Maps v1.0.0.3 - (5/18/09) - Corrected Errors v1.0.0.2 - (5/18/09) -Updated with Most Featured Maps v1.0.0.1 - (5/18/09) - Updated with Community Atlas Maps v1 - (5/18/09) - Archive Created [jumpto=top]Back To Top[/jumpto]
Give AZN FTW some space in the "A" section and this should be good. By the looks of things, you're personally only putting down maps from senior or well-known members. Is that so? Well anyway I guess I'll get some maps on the list: Master Debayter Construction Site Alpha The Last Day Water Temple We'll survive on this arena. These are probably my best four maps posted, the others, not so much...
The maps that are currently in it are the featured maps, maps from Bl00D F1R3's FH Atlas Thread, and my own. Some of the featured maps are missing however.
I don't know if Chron cares but you can add on to his list of maps with the following maps. Pest Control Indiana Wine And I only have one decent map that I've posted on FH, yet I know I'll post a few this summer. Agamer93 Todem
Thanks, but I know which ones. The archive has been updated with all featured maps and maps posted here.
The archive has been updated with everything posted here, from people who contacted me, and my own additions. The next update will be a hefty one. Thanks to the Sandbox Map Database, I can easily add all maps listed there.
Archived I would like to be archived, please: makisupa007 Attic Axilla Camelot Chalice Coventry Endor Rift Venom
The archive has been updated. I would just like to stress the use of the format shown in the original post. It makes i much easier to update and leaves less room for error. Also, the update with Sandbox Maps for the Map Database will have to be restarted due to the fact that Firefox crashed.
Pegasi Delta Temple Nights AstroTurf Clive Added my other 2 maps in there, left Temple Nights in so it's easier to just copy and paste over the top. Nice thread, Scope, it's nice to have things organised by author.
Here Scope, copy/paste this into the OP and you've got a template. Replace everything inside ** with your information, delete the **. [noparse][noparse] *your name* *first map name* *second map name* *third map name*[/noparse] [/noparse] When you post this in the OP, those noparse tags should become invisible, I had to double up my noparse tags to make them visible to you. Then, when people copy the template, they'll just have the format copied, excluding noparse.
I am still not sure what you mean. Can you please explain it in more detail? Also, this thread will have some more reworking in the future. Glad that this could help you.
Speed-e-cake Plunder The Behemoth Can I get those two maps added along with Satellite Mice that is already there, please?